Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The new player in the primary and the Iran scam!

Welcome to the Brad Essex report. Here is what I'm looking at this week. First off we have a new player in the race for the white house.

  Scott Walker putting in his marker as a candidate for president. He said " America is a can-do kind of country. We just have a government in Washington that can’t seem to get the job done. Washington, or as I call it, 68 square miles surrounded by reality." Then he said "Sadly though, Washington seems to measure success by how many people are dependent on the government. Instead, we should measure it by just the opposite: by how many people are no longer dependent on the government."
Only time will tell if Scott Walker said what he means. Plus he has a uphill battle with 14 other candidates.

   Then next we have the deal with Iran. It's still being ironed out thou reports are out that it is done today. The scary part thou is how much we give them. Plus what will they gave us because this week the prime minister of Iran just passed a law that No UN inspectors or American inspectors will be allowed to inspect military compound. Thou now the deal is that if we want to look at a compound we must go to a committee from the five members on the UN security council and Iran. do you expect them to follow the rules of this nuclear agreement? Ken Gardner wrote in Farsi peace in our time. A quote from Neville Chamberlain. His deal with Hitler only delayed the invasion of Poland and the start of WW2.  This deal with Iran only slows down Iran from finishing up building nuclear weapons. Plus from all signs it appears that we not getting any Americans that is being held there back or payments to the people who were held in Iran for 444 days. This is a Faustian deal that will burn us & Israel if I'm Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel I'd start making EMP aka Electric magnetic pulse bombs now to stop Iran from getting the nukes.

OK pop culture time and we have seen many great new trailers come out from comic con. My personal favorite are Deadpool, Batman vs Superman:dawn of justice & Suicide Squad. Jared Leto will not make us forget heath ledger lets face it Heath was good. He does bring a fresh take on him more nutty then heath and that the point he making it his own. Then there Will Smith as a bad guy. I like it. Deadshot the role he plays is a guy who don't have nothing to live for but the thrill of the kill and is a somewhat honorable man. Like he will not kill kids. Plus a few other like Harley Quinn the girlfriend of the Joker. This movie will be big time good.

Also the Flash getting ready for season two with the premiere of Zoom. Not Professor Zoom just zoom. He is a guy named Hunter Zoloman who was in the FBI when in a raid on a building gone wrong he suffered a limp in his leg and became a profiler in central city. Then he was attacked by Gorilla Grodd. He was crippled from the waist down and begged the Flash to go back in time to stop it. The Flash didn't therefore he messed with the cosmic treadmill to go back in time and that give him his powers. Now that he got them he want to teach Barry to be a better hero by making him suffer. This will be great. Also the appearance of Jay Garrick the Flash of earth two. Plus so many goodies. You need to watch it to see how good it is.

Finally we have 15 people running for president. Find the one you like and support them. Thou don't be a ass to people that support other candidates. You just look dumb and if your candidate lose then we going to need you to join up and fight to make sure Hilary don't get the office.

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