Thursday, July 2, 2015

July fourth jubilee blog post!

This is what i'm looking at this week. Well obama had success for the whole week for the very first time. Both obamacare and gay marriage stood up in court.  This is not what we will be talking about thou. 

I want to tell you why I am a conservative. I want you to leave me alone you do your thing & i do mine. Doesn't it sound great? It what i want the government to do. Leave me alone and just be there for war and making treaties. If i want to make my own brew I can if my friend want to marry his boyfriend he can. I just want government out of my hair. If you let me be I can make a business & make it grow. If i want a flamethrower i can own one and melt the snow away. Maybe we can find a cure for cancer without government impeding on doctors. Simply put I'm a conservative because small government equal more freedom!

Next NBC has dropped Donald Trump from their network for comments about illegal immigrant. Thou NBC still employ Al Sharpton a guy who say people in Greece were toga wearing homo. If they want to release Trump then they should do the same on Sharpton because fair is fair.  NBC should see that blacks should be treated the same if they use harmful trigger words on whites and conservatives blacks. 

Now we see that they blocked the pro life #hb2 the pro life bill in Texas that require abortion clinics to make their building up to hospital standard. Because we don't want a abortion clinics to be like the hell house of Dr. Kermit gosnell but libs like to have abortion clinics like that because they don't want life they're a death cult. Plus they say they don't want deprive women of care yet i never seen them have a open house to do free screenings. They lie because without abortion babies could be adopted with people who cares about them. They want women's to be depressed and also might suffer with womb damages that won't let them have kids if they want to have one. 

Finally pop culture news it is come to my attention that the USA women soccer team won last night over Germany 2-0. Well first duh! USA always beat Germany. Two straight world wars proved that. Second FIFA is the most corrupted group ever almost as bad as Obama administration. They so slimy that they were the original choice for slimer the ghost on ghost buster. The fact that they gave a world cup to Qatar and them play in the damn heat of summer proved they were corrupted. 

Then they made the women play on AstroTurf which can do damages to a person skin. Yet the guy get grass? Well all i know is i hope FIFA get punished for their various misdeeds and those guys go to hardcore prison.

Finally happy 4th of July. Our country was born out of a oppression of a king that did not want us to be part of his empire only as a cash cow for his wars and his personal needs. Together 13 colonies stood up and say in unison. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" we fought a war for our freedom. From time to time our nation has disagreed with each other over many things but one thing is clear when a threat happen. We stand united as one and stand for our country and hoping soon we won't need a tragedy to stand as one once again. 

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