Friday, April 20, 2012

Obama the sideshow freak ringleader.

  Well this has been a week. Obama and his merry men were laughing it up saying old Mitt Romney had his dog on the roof accidently. He hate dogs. Well if mitt hate dogs then Obama must really love them so much he ate them. From his book “Dreams from My Father” Obama wrote, "With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)." This is called shifting the narrative. They attack Romney but social media they flip it up turn it around on them and make them look stupid.

  Then we had our Secret Service getting their Mack on with a prostitute in Columbia. Near by secret Intel on where Obama was going to be was there for the taking or sold to bad people. I don't like this president at all but these secret service guys instead of checking out the ladies like one said he was checking out my friend Sarah Palin. They should be checking out to see where potential snipers might be.  So to those idiots to paraphrase Vince McMahon," You're Fired".

  Seriously folks we need to highlight their failures and hide our negatives. Who ever the nominees is we going to make sure that all of Obama secrets and plans are spotlighted. The guy who is the gop nominees  we will make sure that he don't suffer any miscues.  We need Obama out or we will suffer as a nation like never before.

  Now today i'm starting my annual donation drive let work on getting my site to be the best website for opinions online today. Click on the donate button on your top left and please donate. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

America is not a melting pot It's a hating pot.

I was weighing whether to write this blog post or not because not all the facts are in and we don't know what transpired that night in Florida. George Zimmerman need to go to court to prove his innocent because for most of liberal and African Americans he already been found guilty and just now need to be put to death. Spike Lee Had given his home address which turned out was for the wrong Zimmerman forcing the people living there to fear for their lives till Spike Lee paid them off for his blunder.

Look this is a trap to all people so the libs can say that we are racist. First Zimmerman not white he is Hispanic. Second Trayvon was acting weird that night. First why was he wearing a hoodie on a clear day. It's like when i see someone wear a jacket in 90 degree heat i don't care who you are i going to be weary of you.  Let me put this another way. When my brother and i was in Robtown, Texas we were waiting for our dad to pick us up. So we are waiting and this policeman came up to us asking what we were doing there and we told him. He said we looked suspicious. First Robtown has a very high percentage of Hispanics.

So for two light skinned brothers wearing football jersey yeah we stood out. We cooperated with the officer and he left. Trayvon lost his life because he did things to make someone nervous.  

Now the race baiters saying that conservatives are racist and don't care about African Americans suffering. That is not true. Charlton Heston was one of the few actors in Hollywierd that supported the civil rights movement. Lets go back in history. While republicans were trying to give blacks the right to vote the south were quick to stop it after the end of reconstruction. While the GOP were giving African Americans  high ranking jobs Woodrow Wilson were firing them and watching Birth of the Nation the most racist movie on earth. While Martin Luther King Jr. was trying to give blacks the same opportunities as whites. LBJ and he southern brothers were lynching them and belittling them. You won't hear these truth cause the democrats took the narratives and made it their own.

It's high time we told them the truth. This country sick and we are the doctors. We have great voices like Allen West, Sonnie Johnson,Tim Scott and many others. Thou we need to get the African Americans community to shed it's loser like attitudes. You know what for every white person on god green earth i'm sorry for slavery. It's was a bad thing and i'm sorry. That won't change things but it's a start.

  The African Americans community is America most untapped resource. Instead of them thinking that the only way to be successful is be a rapper or a athlete. We need to encourage them to be doctors and lawyers and bankers. Tell them they not selling out their race to be successful. Only then can we can truly be the melting pot and the most powerful nation in the world not only in  force but resources.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I've seen the enemy and they are us.

 I was reading Facebook when i saw a comment that said that Sarah Palin was playing the victim. That she lost her way and she going on the today show. Plus the bus tour was a money grab. That stupid she doing what Andrew Breitbart told us to do which is head into enemy territory to fight libs views of conservative. Next that the bus tour was to support grassroots candidates under president.

  As for playing the victim she look awfully happy for a supposed victim.  I blame conservative busybodies for trying to see something that not there. She fighting the good fight while you all trying to read into something that not there or happening. Also I blame a lot of conservatives to falling for the next in line disease. We're getting romney because we are brainwashed to follow the gop rule of electing people. You all forgot what going rouge mean.

 We could of had Sarah Palin or Mitch Daniel or whoever to run by getting out to sign petition to put them on the ballot. Yet you fell for the gop trap of shut up and follow the next in line. This is what upset me. You all know the way to get people on the ballot yet you won't why because your too busy eating that sandwich. I'll admit i'd failed to get Sarah signed up here in Oklahoma because i was dealing with my foot injury. What's your excuse. Ann Coulter said she would drag Chris Christie to run well what happen she just gave up and backed Mitt. She didn't do the legwork to get her man in.

Now if Mitt Romney win the nod then i'll will support him because Obama must go. He has hurt this country long enough. If you don't believe me. Then read this article by Awr Hawkins Or this one by John Sexton His blunders has hurt America in many ways.

  There are folks who'll say he black can't you let him stay for 8 years. No just because he black is not a reason to select a leader and it's your fault that blacks have it so rough in the first place. Democrats hate to let people take charge of their lives for that is true freedom. They want people to feel like the government will take care of them. That will increase spending raise taxes and hurt the creativity and market of this country.