Thursday, July 23, 2015

Presidential bingo and movie mania!

This is what I'm looking at this week. John Kasich has entered the race the governor from Ohio is the 16th presidential candidates to run which while good sorta upset me that we didn't have this bunch of choices in 2012. Now that Obama is leaving they feel that it's will be a easier path. Yet we are dealing with people that want action not talk. That why the Donald is leading. Yet there is still time to change that. We have many issues we can exploit.

Like for example the director of planned parenthood chatting with people undercover about selling babies parts after a abortion. Talking about it like she selling you some meat. She then had the gall to say that she want a Lamborghini from the sales of baby parts. This is the type of things that Joseph Mengele did to the Jewish people selling those Jewish parts for science testings. This prove that the end of planned parenthood must happen now. This is ghoulish and make Kermit Gosnell almost look less evil yet he isn't.

Then let talk about the Iran deal. Now it come to pass that there was two more secret side deals. That would harm the US from finding out about Iran nuclear program. Yet no deal about the four hostages still there. Oh Obama now speak out about them when he should of done it in the first place at the nuclear talks. Then John Kerry said he was troubled about parts of death to America chanting in Iran what part John? The death part? the America part? I hope to god it not the to part. Your about as bad as Bill Clinton when he ask what the meaning of is is. God our mideast allies are looking at us and shaking their heads.

Speaking of horrible things a few days ago five men's four marines and a navy man were killed by a Muslim in Chattanooga. The parents of the shooter said that he was depressed. Bull crap he was with three friends the day before the shooting at a shooting range. The excuse that he was a lone wolf is bull and we must get thru the thick heads of people that extremist Muslims will kill us all in the name of Allah. We must remove people from our country who wish to harm us.

Also it not just Muslims that are harming us it's  illegals who doing crimes and sneak back into this country to commit even more heinous crimes to us. Like Katie Steinle who was killed by a illegal that should of been picked up by ICE. Yet because San Fran is a sanctuary city they let him go and he killed her. Thank god Ted Cruz will be issuing a bill that will make it a crime to come back here after you been deported. It will be a five years min. jail time. This is why we need a border fence and deport those who are here illegally. The only way that will happen I'm scared to say this if a congress person or family member dies from a illegal hand.

Thoulets talk about pop culture now because negative talk is not what this site is all about. First Ant Man is number one in the country. Paul Rudd is amazing in this movie people are saying. Thou come on everybody talking about the new suicide squad movie and why not Will Smith as a bad guy. Jared Leto as the joker. This movie sound awesome! Superman vs. Batman thou I'm still leery about it. I going to wait on that one because I can't see Ben Affleck as Batman.

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