Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act and why gays shouldn't sue but boycott and other stuff.

This week Mike Pence signed The Religious Freedom Restoration Act. the Indiana measure merely seeks to prevent the government from compelling people to provide such things as catering or photography for same-sex weddings or other activities they find objectionable on religious grounds. I know some gays are not for it because they think they will be discriminated at by people for being gay. You know i have no problems with gays people i have family members who are gay and you know what I'm glad their being honest about who they are. The problems is that instead of boycotting them and giving them bad reviews some gays get hurt and sue. That fine but wouldn't you rather make them look bad instead of suing them? Just remember to make them look bad by posting bad reviews and telling people how bad it is. Suing is just going to give them headlines and that is what they don't need. I know some of my readers are going to say but being gays is a sin. You and I don't know that there are 7 deadly sins and being gay is not one of them. I rather not fail this test and then when I meet god he said that because I shunned gays I must go to hell. Sorry but gays have been my strongest supporters of my blog and they take time to talk to me when I'm down. Some so called conservatives mock my weight and my views. Gays conservatives don't and they and many other are strong conservatives. That why i support them. Next we have some breaking news items. First old Harry Reid retiring after his term as long last one of our national nightmares is over. Harry Reid said,"The decision that I have made had absolutely nothing to do with my injury, it has nothing to do with my being minority leader, it certainly has nothing to do with my ability to be re-elected because the path to re-election is much easier than probably anytime that I’ve run for re-election,” Sure Harry what about those corruption charges that are being filed against you that can't be it can it? I bet you it is. So you retire and no charges comes up and you can sit back and stop letting that dominatrix beat you up so bad. Then Hilary Clinton we all know she a liar. Now thou we see her delete her server that Trey Gowdy requested that she hand over and wipe them out so bad that there is nothing left on them. This is what they need to do they need the backup If she destroyed those too charge her with destruction of Govt property. This woman has thumbed her nose at the law one too many time and it's high time she got her just dessert. She should be charged with many crimes and be put in the pokey. Finally we got news that Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with one count of “desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty” and one count of “misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place.” If convicted he could get life in jail or my personal wish is to be executed by firing squad. Six men's died looking for this coward and traitor. It's high time we gave him his due diligent.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

BIBI win and now Obama get mad!

 Tuesday Benjamin Netanyahu won his election in Israel. His party the likud party won in dramatic fashion when most people expected them to lose majority. Now are hearing that President whiny baby did not take this news well.  From politico Angered by Netanyahu’s hard-line platform towards the Palestinians, top Obama officials would not rule out the possibility of a change in American posture at the United Nations, where the U.S. has historically fended off resolutions hostile to Israel.

  Also from the same article. “We are signaling that if the Israeli government’s position is no longer to pursue a Palestinian state, we’re going to have to broaden the spectrum of options we pursue going forward,”

  Basically what obama doing is a threat on one of our main allies because president poopy diaper hated the fact that BIBI went over his head and delivered a important speech to a joint session of congress. We need to keep hammering Obama on the viewpoint that he hate the Jewish people enough to punish them for trying to protect their homeland. Just like he hate the tea party for us trying to protect our homeland by securing the border.

  Thou the conservative movement need to stop attacking our own. This time Liz Mair was attacked because she attack Iowa for accepting subsidy for their corn and thinking themselves as kingmaker because they are the first state in the GOP primary season. I won't name who doing it as i think the guilty should look themselves in the mirror. Attacking a person who was hired to run Scott Walker campaign just because of a tweet and not understanding the context of said tweet is dumb.

  Then calling her a dyke and lesbo when she is happily married with a child is stupid. Plus attacking her for dual citizenship is down right appalling. She don't need to give you a reason why she did it. It like asking my cousins why their dual citizen of Ireland because a few of them were born there. When we attack someone without proof we are playing into the hands of the democrats who feed on us fighting each other instead of the Dems and their lies that is hurting the country.

I support Liz Mair. i hope you do too!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Team BIBI and Clinton breaking the law again! This week in America!

This week Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of congress. During the speech he had much to say to us. First he said, "I want to thank you all for being here today. I know that my speech has been the subject of much controversy. I deeply regret that some perceive my being here as political. That was never my intention.

I want to thank you, Democrats and Republicans, for your common support for Israel, year after year, decade after decade." This of course drew a well of applause for the prime minister. Than he said, " Today the Jewish people face another attempt by yet another Persian potentate to destroy us. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spews the oldest hatred, the oldest hatred of anti-Semitism with the newest technology. He tweets that Israel must be annihilated -- he tweets. You know, in Iran, there isn't exactly free Internet. But he tweets in English that Israel must be destroyed. 

For those who believe that Iran threatens the Jewish state, but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, Iran's chief terrorist proxy. He said: If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world." This is true in fact many know that attack of Charlie Hedbo the people who attacked them then gone to a deli and killed anyone who was of the Jewish faith. Then BIBI put into perspective what happen to Iran," The people of Iran are very talented people. They're heirs to one of the world's great civilizations. But in 1979, they were hijacked by religious zealots -- religious zealots who imposed on them immediately a dark and brutal dictatorship. 

That year, the zealots drafted a constitution, a new one for Iran. It directed the revolutionary guards not only to protect Iran's borders, but also to fulfill the ideological mission of jihad. The regime's founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, exhorted his followers to "export the revolution throughout the world."

Then have from kidnapping American embassy workers for 444 days to holding a american man right now captive for practicing his faith. 
Then we get to the heart of the matter when BIBI said this,"  We must always remember -- I'll say it one more time -- the greatest dangers facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons. To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle, but lose the war. We can't let that happen.

But that, my friends, is exactly what could happen, if the deal now being negotiated is accepted by Iran. That deal will not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. It would all but guarantee that Iran gets those weapons, lots of them. 

Let me explain why. While the final deal has not yet been signed, certain elements of any potential deal are now a matter of public record. You don't need intelligence agencies and secret information to know this. You can Google it. 

Absent a dramatic change, we know for sure that any deal with Iran will include two major concessions to Iran.

The first major concession would leave Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure, providing it with a short break-out time to the bomb. Break-out time is the time it takes to amass enough weapons-grade uranium or plutonium for a nuclear bomb.

According to the deal, not a single nuclear facility would be demolished. Thousands of centrifuges used to enrich uranium would be left spinning. Thousands more would be temporarily disconnected, but not destroyed.

Because Iran's nuclear program would be left largely intact, Iran's break-out time would be very short -- about a year by U.S. assessment, even shorter by Israel's.

And if -- if Iran's work on advanced centrifuges, faster and faster centrifuges, is not stopped, that break-out time could still be shorter, a lot shorter.

True, certain restrictions would be imposed on Iran's nuclear program and Iran's adherence to those restrictions would be supervised by international inspectors. But here's the problem. You see, inspectors document violations; they don't stop them.

Inspectors knew when North Korea broke to the bomb, but that didn't stop anything. North Korea turned off the cameras, kicked out the inspectors. Within a few years, it got the bomb.

Now, we're warned that within five years North Korea could have an arsenal of 100 nuclear bombs.

Like North Korea, Iran, too, has defied international inspectors. It's done that on at least three separate occasions -- 2005, 2006, 2010. Like North Korea, Iran broke the locks, shut off the cameras. 

Now, I know this is not gonna come a shock -- as a shock to any of you, but Iran not only defies inspectors, it also plays a pretty good game of hide-and-cheat with them. 

The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, said again yesterday that Iran still refuses to come clean about its military nuclear program. Iran was also caught -- caught twice, not once, twice -- operating secret nuclear facilities in Natanz and Qom, facilities that inspectors didn't even know existed. 

Right now, Iran could be hiding nuclear facilities that we don't know about, the U.S. and Israel. As the former head of inspections for the IAEA said in 2013, he said, "If there's no undeclared installation today in Iran, it will be the first time in 20 years that it doesn't have one." Iran has proven time and again that it cannot be trusted. And that's why the first major concession is a source of great concern. It leaves Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure and relies on inspectors to prevent a breakout. That concession creates a real danger that Iran could get to the bomb by violating the deal.

But the second major concession creates an even greater danger that Iran could get to the bomb by keeping the deal. Because virtually all the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program will automatically expire in about a decade. 

Now, a decade may seem like a long time in political life, but it's the blink of an eye in the life of a nation. It's a blink of an eye in the life of our children. We all have a responsibility to consider what will happen when Iran's nuclear capabilities are virtually unrestricted and all the sanctions will have been lifted. Iran would then be free to build a huge nuclear capacity that could product many, many nuclear bombs. 

Iran's Supreme Leader says that openly. He says, Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges, not 6,000 or even the 19,000 that Iran has today, but 10 times that amount -- 190,000 centrifuges enriching uranium. With this massive capacity, Iran could make the fuel for an entire nuclear arsenal and this in a matter of weeks, once it makes that decision."  
Finally BIBI said, My friends, may Israel and America always stand together, strong and resolute. May we neither fear nor dread the challenges ahead. May we face the future with confidence, strength and hope.

May God bless the state of Israel and may God bless the United States of America.

Yes we must stand with Israel not only because their our little brother in peace but that it is home of Jesus who we must never turn our back on. Like Ronald Reagan said, if America don't stand under god then we as as a nation has gone under. 

Finally old Hillary Clinton in trouble again. She been using her personal email and server to conduct official state department business.  Yet she claim to want the email release after she cherry pick her email that could be damning to her. If i was Trey Gowdy i would ask that she give her server so they can know what she know without interference. She need to pay for many of her lies that she has given and this is the rope to hang her lies neck around and choke!

Thank you for reading please hit the tip jar. or buy something from my store or get something from amazon. thank you and god bless also listen weekly to for my weekly talk with John Grant. thank you and god bless you all.