Monday, April 20, 2015

The announcement of a announcement

This week a few people has said they will be making a major announcement. From Huckabee to Bush to Fiorina they are going to tell us if they're running for president we already have Dr. Rand Paul and Marco Rubio enter the race with the southern I mean southern sounding Hilary Clinton entering the democrat race. So ms. Clinton took the scooby mobile to iowa to talk to people yet when she did it was a private affair no cameras or cellphones. Also she picked and choose who to talk to. She really is a woman of the people by people you really mean fund collectors and business leaders. Also she won't be appearing on tv unless it someone of her choosing so no Ed Henry or Megyn Kelly interviews. Dana Loesch and crew sit down you're scaring her! She just a person who think that their time to have control of our great country. Well honey it doesn't work that way in the real world you have to gain people trust and they do not trust you at all. Hell i saw a friend facebook to draft Bernie Sanders to run as in the communist Bernie Sanders he can't win hell Col. Sanders would have a better shot then bernie. The main point is to have someone win for the gop and convey conservative values. defeat Hilary from a dynasty that she think she should have. Yet from Obama going to Jamaica to playing golf he is not the least caring about how iran refuse to give up on things in its meetings with John Kerry. Plus they are sending weapons to Yemen to the rebal forces that forced out a leader who was trying to stop isis attacks. The world is burning yet Obama just hem and haw and speak useless slogans and chants because he has lost power to do anything. Everytime he does something he got a lawsuit that stop him from screwing with our country, We need more of that and less of him. 2016 can't come soon enough. Well thank you all for reading this week one last week to go to help me get to washington d.c. to those who have helped me i am deeply indebted to you for helping and to the rest of you come on get up and be heard. Here the link check it out and donate. Thank you and god bless!

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