Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter is here he has risen!

This week Iran & America made a pre agreement to the agreement about Iranian nuclear program. This whole thing is a cluster. I mean that if we walk away from the deal they can start making nuclear missiles? Then the king of fools Obama said this "This deal denies Iran the plutonium necessary to build a bomb. It shuts down Iran’s path to a bomb using enriched uranium. Iran has agreed that it will not stockpile the materials needed to build a weapon." Then he said " Moreover, international inspectors will have unprecedented access to Iran’s nuclear program because Iran will face more inspections than any other country in the world. If Iran cheats, the world will know it. If we see something suspicious, we will inspect it. So this deal is not based on trust, it’s based on unprecedented verification." Yet our ally Israel been burnt before by the advice of the moronic. So Israel was skeptical. From Israel Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said "Iran was essentially getting an international stamp of approval for its secret nuclear activity and hinted Israel had not ruled out a military option to address the threat." “The world’s most radical Islamic terror regime received today an official kosher stamp for its illicit nuclear program,” Yet this is what obama wanted. He's capitulating to Iran and avoiding the advice of our closest ally. This is what happen when leading by feelings instead of your brain get you. Iran want a nuke so bad they want to finish off Israel because the people of the jewish faith exist. This news coming during the passover and easter holidays. The Muslim extremists love the fact that America is too busy to care what is happening in the world. We need to back Israel and show Muslims extremists what happen the last time someone attacked our allies! Yet we has to deal with a DOJ that will not prosecute Lois Lerner or do anything about getting Hilary servers to see if she broke any laws. Then we got the secret service covering up details of a accident. Yet we do nothing because we got a cool president. His wife on Jimmy Fallon dancing and making kids lunch time lame with food a dog wouldn't eat if the dog hasn't been eaten by Barrack already. This show to tell you that we as a nation need to keep strong and focus on the task at hand which is to defeat Hilary. Like my friend Stephen Kruiser said," When people talk about Andrew being a "happy warrior" they focus too much on the "happy". Also Stephen said "Trust me, Breitbart was advocating the "warrior", and not the "happy". We tend to not fight and take it on the nose. We need those dog whistles Andrew talked about and tell libs that enough is enough and to behave yourself. Finally i wanted to take a minute to talk about my Gofundme for right online. You know i won a free two night stay and tickets for right online. Yet i need a few thing before i go there like plane tickets and such. This will be the first trip by myself that didn't involve a death. I lost my grandmom and mom in back to back years. i took the bus at the time because of my cp i don't have a drivers licence. I can drive but I prefered to not do it because i know my limitations which are few but i do have them. I hated the fact my brother when we were younger could go and leave to any place he wanted to go. I couldn't now i have a chance to go to Washington D.C. to meet with friends and learn a thing or two about blogging as well as see the sights. That why I created the go fund me site right here. it will get me the things I need & make sure i don't screw myself also. Please donate let me have a chance to enjoy life as it should be. Thank for reading and have a happy Easter today we do not morn because he has risen and washed away our sins! He is truly the son of god and he is here for us if we believe in his name.

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