Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act and why gays shouldn't sue but boycott and other stuff.

This week Mike Pence signed The Religious Freedom Restoration Act. the Indiana measure merely seeks to prevent the government from compelling people to provide such things as catering or photography for same-sex weddings or other activities they find objectionable on religious grounds. I know some gays are not for it because they think they will be discriminated at by people for being gay. You know i have no problems with gays people i have family members who are gay and you know what I'm glad their being honest about who they are. The problems is that instead of boycotting them and giving them bad reviews some gays get hurt and sue. That fine but wouldn't you rather make them look bad instead of suing them? Just remember to make them look bad by posting bad reviews and telling people how bad it is. Suing is just going to give them headlines and that is what they don't need. I know some of my readers are going to say but being gays is a sin. You and I don't know that there are 7 deadly sins and being gay is not one of them. I rather not fail this test and then when I meet god he said that because I shunned gays I must go to hell. Sorry but gays have been my strongest supporters of my blog and they take time to talk to me when I'm down. Some so called conservatives mock my weight and my views. Gays conservatives don't and they and many other are strong conservatives. That why i support them. Next we have some breaking news items. First old Harry Reid retiring after his term as long last one of our national nightmares is over. Harry Reid said,"The decision that I have made had absolutely nothing to do with my injury, it has nothing to do with my being minority leader, it certainly has nothing to do with my ability to be re-elected because the path to re-election is much easier than probably anytime that I’ve run for re-election,” Sure Harry what about those corruption charges that are being filed against you that can't be it can it? I bet you it is. So you retire and no charges comes up and you can sit back and stop letting that dominatrix beat you up so bad. Then Hilary Clinton we all know she a liar. Now thou we see her delete her server that Trey Gowdy requested that she hand over and wipe them out so bad that there is nothing left on them. This is what they need to do they need the backup If she destroyed those too charge her with destruction of Govt property. This woman has thumbed her nose at the law one too many time and it's high time she got her just dessert. She should be charged with many crimes and be put in the pokey. Finally we got news that Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with one count of “desertion with intent to shirk important or hazardous duty” and one count of “misbehavior before the enemy by endangering the safety of a command, unit or place.” If convicted he could get life in jail or my personal wish is to be executed by firing squad. Six men's died looking for this coward and traitor. It's high time we gave him his due diligent.

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