Friday, April 20, 2012

Obama the sideshow freak ringleader.

  Well this has been a week. Obama and his merry men were laughing it up saying old Mitt Romney had his dog on the roof accidently. He hate dogs. Well if mitt hate dogs then Obama must really love them so much he ate them. From his book “Dreams from My Father” Obama wrote, "With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)." This is called shifting the narrative. They attack Romney but social media they flip it up turn it around on them and make them look stupid.

  Then we had our Secret Service getting their Mack on with a prostitute in Columbia. Near by secret Intel on where Obama was going to be was there for the taking or sold to bad people. I don't like this president at all but these secret service guys instead of checking out the ladies like one said he was checking out my friend Sarah Palin. They should be checking out to see where potential snipers might be.  So to those idiots to paraphrase Vince McMahon," You're Fired".

  Seriously folks we need to highlight their failures and hide our negatives. Who ever the nominees is we going to make sure that all of Obama secrets and plans are spotlighted. The guy who is the gop nominees  we will make sure that he don't suffer any miscues.  We need Obama out or we will suffer as a nation like never before.

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