Wednesday, April 11, 2012

America is not a melting pot It's a hating pot.

I was weighing whether to write this blog post or not because not all the facts are in and we don't know what transpired that night in Florida. George Zimmerman need to go to court to prove his innocent because for most of liberal and African Americans he already been found guilty and just now need to be put to death. Spike Lee Had given his home address which turned out was for the wrong Zimmerman forcing the people living there to fear for their lives till Spike Lee paid them off for his blunder.

Look this is a trap to all people so the libs can say that we are racist. First Zimmerman not white he is Hispanic. Second Trayvon was acting weird that night. First why was he wearing a hoodie on a clear day. It's like when i see someone wear a jacket in 90 degree heat i don't care who you are i going to be weary of you.  Let me put this another way. When my brother and i was in Robtown, Texas we were waiting for our dad to pick us up. So we are waiting and this policeman came up to us asking what we were doing there and we told him. He said we looked suspicious. First Robtown has a very high percentage of Hispanics.

So for two light skinned brothers wearing football jersey yeah we stood out. We cooperated with the officer and he left. Trayvon lost his life because he did things to make someone nervous.  

Now the race baiters saying that conservatives are racist and don't care about African Americans suffering. That is not true. Charlton Heston was one of the few actors in Hollywierd that supported the civil rights movement. Lets go back in history. While republicans were trying to give blacks the right to vote the south were quick to stop it after the end of reconstruction. While the GOP were giving African Americans  high ranking jobs Woodrow Wilson were firing them and watching Birth of the Nation the most racist movie on earth. While Martin Luther King Jr. was trying to give blacks the same opportunities as whites. LBJ and he southern brothers were lynching them and belittling them. You won't hear these truth cause the democrats took the narratives and made it their own.

It's high time we told them the truth. This country sick and we are the doctors. We have great voices like Allen West, Sonnie Johnson,Tim Scott and many others. Thou we need to get the African Americans community to shed it's loser like attitudes. You know what for every white person on god green earth i'm sorry for slavery. It's was a bad thing and i'm sorry. That won't change things but it's a start.

  The African Americans community is America most untapped resource. Instead of them thinking that the only way to be successful is be a rapper or a athlete. We need to encourage them to be doctors and lawyers and bankers. Tell them they not selling out their race to be successful. Only then can we can truly be the melting pot and the most powerful nation in the world not only in  force but resources.


Anonymous said...

Could you possibly be more of a tool . Your broad stroke assumption of the black community is amazing. Yet another blog from some rural white guy, who probably rarely if ever comes into contact with black people, yet makes all his assumptions about them based on the media...the same liberal media he bitches and moans about. The fact that at no point do you place any blame on Zimmerman, and put it all on Trayvon doesn't suprise me either "Yes um masta...let the white folks teach us poo ignorant kneegrows how to be doctors and bankers...we's so lost with you masta, we just some losers masta, we just have a loser attitude, please teach us masta...please"

Adrienne Ross said...

I don't agree with racebaiting. I call it out. I also don't agree with judging a man before the facts emerge. That is despicable. But whatever happened, let the facts come to the light. This is not about what political party or race someone is, certainly not what party Dr. King was a part of. A young man is dead, and the shooter needs to stand trial. Period. The facts need to come out, which is why we have a court of law. So let the judicial process play out.

Whatever Trayvon was wearing is beside the point, and whatever the temperature was is beside the point. He deserves to die because that's considered "weird" to you? No, he does not. His parents didn't deserve to lose their son.

George Zimmerman's version of events may be accurate, and if so, the last thing I want is for him to go to prison. However, a life is gone and he who pulled the trigger should have to withstand the scrutiny of our court of law. If he did wrong that night, he should get what the law dictates. If he did not do wrong, may his freedom be preserved.

And I really don't care what his race or political party. I only care about the truth.

Thomas S Schmitz said...

This new comment system has a learning curve I guess.

Anyway, interesting article Brad.