Friday, September 16, 2011

The Obama Scandal or dude where is my cash.

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Well folks Obama have more scandals in his office then most woman has shoes. First operation Fast and Furious is the atm for mexican cartel they go to atf and get guns like a atm and use them on innocent people. Problem is they not getting people from the guns they gave out. So they got guns guns and more guns and people are getting hurt. Obama say we didn't do anything.

Next is Solyndra where $528 millions dollar where did it go carl. Why they get it because the guy who run it is a Obama money man. He's the dude that get money from donors to give to Obama. Wow when asked Obama was like i don't know hey look over there evil republicans. While he run away and hide. Meanwhile his union friends kidnapped 6 people in Washington state and got a slap on the wrist charges. If i kidnapped a person i would be charged with a felony. People Obama for a lack of a better word is failing to lead. He love all this chaos. Yet what we need is someone to give us commonsense answers to problems. If you love Obama pass this bill. It's sound like something a nazi leader would say i'm sorry Obama but our leaders don't ask people to love them. You're stepping on low moral ground there buddy.

Next Palestine will be going to the U.N. to be put up for a vote to be granted statehood. This is the stupidest thing ever you can't grant statehood to a ideal. Where Palestine on the map where the capitol. Who is the leader. The answer is non existence. It's is not there oh sure Israel is expected to give up their land for this Palestine state yet israel won't get anything in return. Arabs will still hate them. Also will attack them with extreme violence. Israel need to stand strong and tell them we will give you land if you follow our demands not demands of the U.N. or Obama.

Rick Perry has allowed people who are illegal to go to collage on state tuition. I think it is wrong because it's reward illegals to cheat people who been waiting in line to get true citizenship. We need to study the case files of those who want to come in legally. Higher priority would be given to people who have family and have useful skills. Also illegals and family should automatically be deported if caught. 

Also Mitt Romney got endorsed by Jimmy Carter oh great talk about the kiss of death. Thou from his stubborn refusal to denounce romneycare and other things i'm not surprised. He should not be president. Also when Thaddus Mccotter going to be in a debate. I always said that if your a sitting congressperson you can be in the debate. He would bring a breath of fresh air to the debate and also get rid of Jon i got china fever Huntman and Ron Israel screw them Paul. They add nothing to the debate.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We live in such a corrupt liberal/progressive culture. What's sad is the people responsible for supporting this culture don't realize they've been corrupted along the way.

The main stream media and the left is a disgusting lot. Any hint of scandal or crony capitalism under Bush/Cheney was front page news with their supporters parroting all the talking points, whether it there was any hint of truth or not.

Even the bodies of our young men and women fighting in these wars were used by the MSM and their followers every day against the previous administration. While today it still goes on but the whole corrupt culture is silent about it. It's about playing politics at its worst.

Now we have some real scandals of crony capitalism and much worse, a gun program that ended up in the death of an American as well as countless others. Watergate was bad but no one died in that scandal. The MSM and the corrupt culture have been fairly quiet about these scandals. If this had happened under Bush/Cheney, this culture would be screaming for justice and would be already calling for firing squads. It just goes to show how corrupt they've become.

It's bloggers like Brad's where true justice will come from as some just will not be silent about this corruption. Keep up the good work.