Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Night post

It's early morning. September 11 today is a very sad day for most Americans. We lost 2976 neighbors that day. You all know that i feel that radical Islamist is the disease that must be destroyed. My friend Kurt Schlichter told me there are many Muslims who have helped our troops and for that i thank them. The historian in me do know the dark underbelly of Muslims we have been fighting them for centuries. Charles martel to David Petraeus we have been fighting them. They refuse to give up till the whole world is a caliphate. Russia know them as Chechen. In the Philippine they are Abu Sayyaf. We know them as al-Qaeda. Whoever they are they have fought us for our rights to be free and happy.

Many people died that day.We should remember the heroes too  Todd Beamer whose last words were "Let's Roll" as he and his fellow passengers stopped the flight 93 from attacking another target.  Rudy Giuliani whose leadership helped new york city cope with the aftermath of the terrible tragedy. George Bush who call for action help begin the war on terror and protected us from another attack.

I hope to god people don't forget what happened here. We must remain forever vigilant to protect our history from being changed to show compassion to our enemies. In this day and age Che Guerra is regarded as a hero. Chairman mao is quoted by people who help run this country. Fidel Castro is lauded for his health care. Where are people to scream the truth no these are evil men. Che was crying like a girl when he died. Mao was so stupid he made his country nearly starved to death. Castro my friend Irina will be dancing on his grave when he die. My friend Gabby Hoffman family escaped communism. Now they are proud Americans who know that freedom isn't free.   

I hope that all of you pray today think and renew your self to vow that you will use your voice to speak out and support people who love this country and want to preserve this country. Mark Steyn say that America
is on it's last legs. I say let's prove him wrong. Mark does know about that American exceptionalism. Obama doesn't he want to make this day a day of service. Sorry Obozo today is to remember our heroes and the ones we lost and how America will prevail when it's said and done.

  I will leave you with this prayer Oh heavenly father may you comfort the love ones of this tragic day To give blessing to the heros who had to fight the fires and protect the people. To give eternal peace to those who died. Finally to give righteous judgement to the monsters who cause this great pain and they wallow deep in the bowels of hell. Thank you lord Amen. 


Kim said...


Anonymous said...

we've been fighting muslims for centuries ?!!?
yer one fuked up dude ,dude