Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lame duck president goes quack quack Also horrible movies choices

Welcome to the Brad Essex Report. Here what I'm looking at this week. Well Barrack Hussein Obama has officially given up on doing his job. He hasn't done nothing since Trump won. Now that it's the end of his role as president he's just doing nothing.  It's not like Syria is on fire or our Vets being eaten to death by maggots or anything. Instead he has been doing the I have made this nation great by creating Obamacare and less crime when the fact of the matters is it not true. Furthermore he has not condoned Hillary Clinton for her losing the election. Hillary could of won the election by being less bitchy and more human in her approach. No, she had to scream that women are weak and need a handout to be president. Instead of saying I will not use my gender to get to the top. She used it as a bully club. Plus enabling the Black lives matter protests.

  She could of said with Obama we hear your voices, but please stop the protesting because stopping blacks murder starts at the home. Also don't be confrontational with the police. Plus if you see a bad cop acting out, then report him to his superiors and news channels to bust him. Yet also give support to the 99% of cops who don't break the laws. She didn't so she lost. Donald Trump needs to also not play winners and losers with companies. His deal with Carriers was called out by many people even a supporter in Sarah Palin. Who said this is an act of crony capitalism. When she said that you know It's a bad deal!

Also there are reports of the CIA are saying that the election was hacked by Russians. That sound far fetched. First they would have to know which counties to hack to get the results they needed. Then why would it want Trump, who is filling his cabinet with people who are not supportive of Russia. They could of had Hillary, who was terrible as secretary of state. They know who she is but not Trump. Finally if they were hacked, we would of heard more stories of votes being changed by the hackers. I don't like Trump, but this thing about hacking sound too far fetched.

Finally Amy Schumer is picked to be Barbie. Really they couldn't get Honey boo boo mom to do it? This is supposed to be a movie about a positive role model for girls. Not the cousin of Chuckie Schumer, who is not a role model. Reese Witherspoon,Kristen Bell,Sarah Michelle Geller would of been way better choices. This a P.C. pick right here. She's not nice, but she edgy thing. Edgy is me silting my wrists while taking a hand full of Valium edgy. Its show that America no matter how great it is has sometime given us something that make you sick.

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