Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sarah got the magic touch and Sean Hannity ok but he did have a freaking all star panel.

First let's get to Sean. Did you see the group he had yesterday? Holy crap that was a Great American Panel. Jededaih Bila, Steve Bannon, Pam Geller, Deneen Borelli,Michelle Fields and Dr Avita King and many others. They were talking about Obama book Crappy dreams from Bill Ayers and all the crap that in it thou that some may dismiss it. It's really show how much we don't know about him and what we do know about him scared the pants off me. If you seen this special you would see how much of a socialist he really is and that we need to stop him from having a second term.

Then Sarah Palin keep picking folks who are winning their primary's and thus far leading in their general polling. Deb Fischer won and Ted Cruz also getting a push from Sarah. She is finding the conservatives who are ready to lead and save this country. Plus Fox News if Sarah going to be on please tell people it will be longer then a 15 sec. snippet. I had some chilli dogs and Kansas sunshine tea to watch and i blink and she finished i was like what the heck Greta. Stop teasing me bro.

Then oh you going to love this one. So apparently me and the Breitbart crew had a secret meeting with Mitt Romney to get our talking points and free cash. Only there was no meeting. Yet the libs Charles Johnson and Tommy Christopher if that their real names claim we did and Dana Loesch was there when in fact she was on the air on the radio in St.Louis home of those Cardinals that lost to the Kansas City Royals in '85 world series but i digress.  She must have some Teleporting powers to be on air and at Mitt meeting. Look folks here the thing we do have meetings but not to get talking points we talk to the candidates about what their policy will be and their line of attack will be. You know like media matter but they take orders from Obama crew so they can get interviews time with Obama and slow Joe Biden. We don't bring up our meeting cause we don't want the libs to know what we are doing.

I wold be remissed if i didn't talk about Joe Biden temper tantrum. Talk about whining he got more money then i do. Yet he fail to mention that Mitt gave his daddy money away to charity. While Slow brain Joe barely give money to anyone. I guess the choo choo train in joe mind just derailed.

Finally Linda McMahon won her convention vote to run for senate. Good for her she'll make a excellent senator. She is my latest endorsement. Also Wounded Warriors please give to them we must not forget our heroes and let them not be forgotten. Also donate to my site please.

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