Saturday, May 12, 2012

People Obama is a Pokemon! Also Distractions are everywhere.

Well folks now Obama is all that is man because he just came out in support for same sex marriage. That right why all of a sudden he came out. It's because of old Joe Biden slip of the lips in a interview. You know i thought getting the economy fixed was the most important thing. I guess all the worlds problems have been solved. Now we are refocusing on gay getting married, Really?

This is another one of his flem flam moves to distract people  from the real issues.  15 trillions dollar in debt and he want to endorse gay marriage. Illegal coming to our country yet he want to talk sports. War on terror and he want to hang with George Clooney. Folks this dude is the reason why we need to dump him. He's like a guy on the street who pretend to be homeless yet you see him walking to a car and going to a nice house.

Then we get all these stupid stuff on Romney. Nothing about Obama because lets face it we can't expose his questionable activity. Yet we need to find out about Mitt cutting a guy hair. Even thou it might have been a outright lie. Plus they are trying to tie this into the gay marriage thing. One thing i know is the GOP are more open to people then democrats.  We have gays, blacks, Asians, and Latinos. The libs don't have as many of these people like the GOP does in congress. They scared that people will see the light and get off their ship of failures and come on the GOP starship of goodness and prosperity.

 Elizabeth Warren claiming she's Indian should be a slap in the face to all my Indians readers out there. She citing proof that is not there and the people who doing the research aren't replying to email to sort this out. I know my family background on both side documented. I have family that were viceroys in Spain government. Yet  Elizabeth Warren refused to be honest about her past. She's running vs. Scott Brown good luck with that. He's a babe magnet. His Daughter is a super hero Capt.hybrid part B-Ball star. Part singer. So unless you can come out with the truth and get sympathy votes you are not winning Chief full of bull crap.

  Finally Sarah Palin had some new endorsements. One is Ted Cruz from Texas. The other one is  Deb Fischer from Nebraska. Sarah is the fire woman going around all over america putting out Liberal flames by picking people who are Commonsense Conservatives and she is winning. She going against the currents of GOP rinos and setting thing up to get a majority in the senate and keep it in the house. Like her we need to keep fighting and don't stop till Nov.6. We are coming Obama and rest assure we'll be voting you out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course it's a diversion from the catastrophe him and the Democrats have been.

It's either that or an act of desperation because a large majority of the 57 states have already voted to uphold traditional marriage, lol.

Democrats who helped bring these frauds to power should be ashamed at what they've done to this great country. Oh, they won't be ashamed and will just double down on stupid just like these Democrat diversions, lol