Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Welcome to Mr. Essex neighborhood and Sarah Palin the undefeated hit movie houses.

Before we do our usual fun post. I do want to tell you about our blog money bomb. I know money tight right now. I'm asking to please donate thou. Why because unlike many blog I'll give you the news without any spin except mine lol. No just kidding but i will help you understand many of the big issues of the day as well as do interviews with many of Conservative America biggest names. If you just spend just $5 you'll get the most in depth news and opinion in America.  So please give I'll give you props on a future post and recognize you in my hall of heroes.  Thank for reading and donating.

Hello neighbors. I was just coming back from getting some foods. 

Wait a sec someone is at the door. Hello Mr. ATM why you so sad? Hello Mr.Essex I'm sad because president Obama said I'm the reason jobs are not being created. 

Don't feel sad Mr.ATM he just mad because he put stocks in a TARP deal to fix the economy and had Joe Biden run it. It's failed and now he blaming you and Mr. Ticket Kiosk for his bad decision making.

Well i got to go Mr.Essex ok Mr.ATM take care and spike your hair. 

Well now kids you now know that when you tell a lie and blame other people for your problems that it's just make you look like a complete jerkface. 

Lets go to land of make believe and see President Obama successful ideas. 

Wait Mr. Trolley you said there not such a place. Your so right because everything that Obama done it's have failed to help the American economy or our allies. 

You want to go see Sarah Palin the Undefeated instead. 

Why yes lets go and see it. Hold on someone at the door. It's the town good news guy Andrew Breitbart.

Hi Andrew what the good news. 

Hi brad the good news is that sarah palin film will have me on there with Tammy Bruce and Mark Levin. Plus its will tell the truth about Sarah Palin when she was a Mayor and Governor. Plus she fought corruption in her own party

I was just going over to see it. 

Brad can i bring Dana Loesch and John Nolte and all my Big sites friends with me Brad?

Sure Andrew but first remember to wash your hands and don't be like the people that throw glitter on Michele Bachmann. 

Like our friend Mr. Chris Barron said people when they do that they should be stopped by friendly security people with nightstick and tasers. 

Well Andrew ready to go. Yes Brad lets go. Well i got to go. 

You should check out Sarah new movie but if your going with a friend remember caring is sharing split the cost of the movie trip so you can save money. 

Plus afterword you can go buy some light bulbs before Obama take them away and give us crappy bulbs that harmful to us if broke. 

Let me leave me you with a song.

It's such a good feeling to know you not a libs. it's a great feeling to be right it's a great feeling to chat with you everyday i will be here too. Goodbye folks for now.


Kim said...


Thomas S Schmitz said...

Nice Brad!

cookboy said...

Nut, you're a nut! Good work, don't let up!