Thursday, June 16, 2011

Palin/Bachmann it's on or not plus presidential fantasy info.

Before we do our usual fun post. I do want to tell you about our blog money bomb. I know money tight right now. I'm asking to please donate thou. Why because unlike many blog I'll give you the news without any spin except mine lol. No just kidding but i will help you understand many of the big issues of the day as well as do interviews with many of Conservative biggest names. If you just spend just $5 you'll get the most in depth news and opinion in America.  So please give I'll give you props on a future post and recognize you in my hall of heroes.  Thank for reading and donating.

 It's obvious that Sarah learned from Sun Tzu.  From the Art of War he said:
If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

It also can be said of another person Congresscritter Michele Bachmann. She is hated by the left for her leading the Tea Party caucus. Also for being cute and smart. She just revealed that she is running for president of the United States. For many people that would mean Sarah Palin not running i don't think so I'm sure you all know that recently she said and i quote "That having more people running is good for America as it will open up debates and let us hear the ideas for the nation.

The other thing about this is the alleged rumor that Michele is doing this to make sure Sarah doesn't run. I believe that she and Sarah are friends that do generally care for each other. I wouldn't be shocked to see Sarah and Michele skipping together with their kids. Michele babysitting Piper and Trig and Sarah helping out with Michele kids.
This is just a media attempt to break up a friendship. They don't do that with Obama  and Reggie love or Hilary Clinton and Huma Abedin. Also we need to support two strong conservative woman's who leading the way for America to get back on their feet.

Also let talk about Anthony Wiener. This guy a total pervert. He has cause harm in his marriage and may have broken the law by using his office to text nude pictures of himself and sexting people. He got a porn star named Ginger Lee to try to lie for him but she showed up with human leech Gloria Allred to release info about the Wienerman and maybe a possible lawsuit. I'm glad he goner because there are more pressing needs to worry about.

Finally my list of people who have declared for president listing and thoughts about them.

First we have Michelle Bachmann I think she is a good candidate for president but I feel that she would be better as a Senator in Minnesota .

Second Tim Pawlenty also known as t-pawzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorry i fell asleep there. He was a good governor for Minnesota but his belief in climate change and lack of passion will not help him in the election.

Herman Cain Mr.Cain has captured the interest in America for being a honest and straight forward guy. He give people the fact that he don't have all the answers but he will have people to help him out and lead this nation.

Rick Santorum A great guy but who is not well known as the others and inability to excite the base will hurt him.

Mitt Romney A man who did make a profit out of the salt lake city games so he can lead a business. His major fault thou is that he created the blueprint for obamacare with Romneycare and his flat refusal to denounce it will not be favorable to most Americans also Joe Miller think he not a true conservative and showing people the many ways mitt is not one.

Gary Johnson unknown gov. of New Mexico   who support smoking weed  and bashes a lot of conservative and conservative values he isn't good enough to win.

Finally Ron Paul this man is a coward doesn't want us to keep the fight oversea instead of them coming here to fight. His isolationism  is never a game plan that America need. Also want to legalize heroin like that a smart plan. he part of the fringe of life supporters that want chaos in life and little laws. He's a joke.

Well sorry for the lateness of the blog i had a blog almost finished but felt the concept would be confusing. Also waiting for my copy of Ben Shapiro new book so i can give a review on it.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Hi, good post. I am a new(er) Palin fan. . At first I didn't like her. Then I liked her, but didn't love her.
Now I love her and pray for her, Todd and the family.
I think she can beat Obama, but last night I had the wildest though...what if O doesn't seek reelection and hands the baton to Hillary? What if the Dems fear Sarah's ability to destroy O and seek to neutralize her power by pitting her against Hillary? Suddenly it's a whole 'nother deal. I think we (Sarah) needs to prepare for a surprise.
Why do I feel this is possible?-I don't think the Dems can stand the idea that the 1st female in the White house is not one of them and Hillary is formidable.