Thursday, February 3, 2011

Palin, Egypt, and Snowmageddon

  First let's talk about Egypt right now it's major upheaval there with Hosei Mubarak trying every trick in the book to stay in power. He's failing as more protesters join to call for his release. Now should he leave will he be replaced by the muslim brotherhood, secular leadership or military?  This is 1979 all over again. Iran was the scene and since then we had to deal with their threats to Israel. we should support fight for freedom as long as it will produce a country that will respect the land of Jesus. 

  Sarah Palin is in the news for teasing a hint about her running. Also showing TLC that anwar is basically a dead zone no animal or little crappy plant will be harmed so we can be self sufficient in oil and lower gas prices. Also its no Palin February Daniel Millbank wanted to not talk about yet not one day in he talking about her. This guy is all talk no action why don't he cover Obama that right cause he can do no wrong.

  Also Mitt Romney was on the Dave Letterboy  show. You know if he was a better person he wouldn't go on his show after the way he talked about a fellow conservative daughter being sexual assulted by ARod. Alas he isn't he was there doing a top ten list. Mitt all of the sudden want to be liked by the media. He willing to not stand up and tell Dave enough with the Palins jokes. Nope this is why he won't be elected because he not a man to stand with Americans values. Also he's the guy whose plan that obama used to create Obamacare.

Finally Snowmaggedon it everywhere. As always resident tin foil hat wearer Al Gore said this is part of global warming. Ok how this is global warming. In fact it's freaking cold. Al Gore is going down as one of the worst thinkers of all times. We in America can't trust people who make it their business to shove down cap and trade while they are not scientist who know the truth about the weather. Al gore should go away and hide in a lock box.

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