Friday, May 7, 2010

Palin is not a rino she pay her debts off.

Well folks the news out of California is crazy these days. Sarah Palin has given her support to Carly Fiorina. Well the conservative army is split on this some say it's a smart move and some say Sarah is the rino incarnate.

Well here what i think i think sarah like carly and chuck both but there is one little thing that she thought about repaying the debt to john mccain. John Mccain did make her the vice president nominee. So she told herself well Chuck is a honorable man but i think i have to repay that debt to john and hope she'll lend me some cash in 2012 when i crush obama like a cockroach.

Now i like Chuck Devore he a honorable man that why i'd endorsed him. Should he lose i will support Carly Fiorina. Now granted why support her simple cause sarah palin is a great judge of character. I mean she treated me like family. I'm a no good piece of shit but she took the time to chat a little and made me feel like a human being. She's not a rino.

She support Alan West Sean Duffy and countless other Conservatives but one or two iffy at best and your ready to throw her off the ship. Poppycock she just paying her debt to mccain as well as getting ready financially for 2012.

She might do some stuff that make you go wtf but remember Ronald Reagan 11th commandment thou shall not speak ill of other conservatives. Now don't be wishing harm on fiorina. I will not respect you if you would want her cancer to come back. If you support Chuck like i do then do it in the ballot box or send your money to him. Should he lose i will hope that you all focus your support to chuck to Carly so we can get rid of the darkness that is Diane Boxer.

Ok folks hate mail of the week for me Go FUCK yourself. Obama will have a second term and hopefully Arizona will experience a nuclear bomb. Get rid of all the white racists in that state thank for the hate mail Conner.

Please pray for those that are hurting in this country from the gulf coast to the state of kentucky. God bless you and heal you and the land you live on.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff!

sirron said...

Brad thanks for you post. It was a risk in California for Palin to choose between the two. she is probably trying to get her favorite out in front to withstand the liberal Tom Campbell which I can understand. However, if it doesn't work than California will split the conservative vote and the lib's will win again. also Palin is the clear leader of the Gop maybe she should run the Rnc. I don't know about her as president though..

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