Friday, April 30, 2010

Charlie Crist is a coward.

Charlie Crist oh how the stupid has fallen. He going to run as a independent. Wow what a loser instead of accepting his loss with grace and honor. He turns yellow and run away only to come back as the enemy to Floridian who supported him.

This remind me of scarface where Tony Montana tell his boss I have only two things in this world my words and my balls and I don't break them for no one. Charlie Crist is a guy who rode on Jeb Bush coattail and became the ultimate rino. His paling around with Obama did not help him to his cause. Then accept the stimulus against the wishes of most sane Floridians.

When he was on Fox News Sunday. He told Chris Wallace and his opponent Marco Rubio he would not run as a independent. I wonder what happen for him to change his mind? Did his evil pet told him he could win. Did he think he was so badass he think he can do anything. My bet that he didn't want to be the guy who lost to a guy who is loved by the people.

Hey charlie when people think your stupid for backing a plan that will hurt the American people for decades to come. I think its best for you to hide and not show your face for awhile. You were a popular governor. Then you started doing stupid things for people who don't care for your state.

That lead me to Governor Jan Brewer who did something for her Arizonian people. She sign a bill that will protect Arizona from Mexicans who crosses the border and stop those who would hurt them in the wallet and bodily. So many people decided to boycott Arizona. Listen if you have the chance spend money in Arizona. Tell Jan Brewer that she did the right thing.

This is the time to let our voices be heard we are the real voice of the people not the illegal protesters. You must remember that we don't hate on skin color. We hate people that won't play by the rules and become citizens of this great land. Know this in Mexico they have a tougher standards for you to live there then we do and they call us the racist those dumb bastards.

I may not be the smartest guy here. I have cerabal palsey and not as cool as most blogger but i will tell you this if you don't fight now we will be overran by people who do not care about America and the America we know will cease to exist.

Also to Tammy Bruce don't hide your feeling i love it when you cuss up a storm. So the idiots in Washington who don't care about this country can hear you. To Mark Levin keep us up to date about the constitution and what are our rights are in this country. Rush keep us laughing and giving us the strength to fight the good fight. To everyone who we read and learn from keep us informed and give us the power to take back our America from those who wishes to destroy us.

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