Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's a big f-ing post

Did you see old joe biden. Cussing up a storm. Wow his mom should wash his mouth out with soap. Unlike the conservative tea partyers who didn't say any racist thing while in washington d.c. last weekend. In fact sources tell me there was a few seiu guys trying to blend in and start trouble in washington d.c. and i think those were your real racist name callers.

The obamacare thing won cause of guys like bart stupak got his 30 pieces of silver and threw his middle fingers to unborn childrens as well as millions of americans. Now we must fight back we have attorney generals in many state filing a suit to kill obamacare.

Also we have a friend of mine Sarah Palin rallying the troops to stop those who voted for the bill. Here her site with her post.!/notes/sarah-palin/dont-get-demoralized-get-organized-take-back-the-20/373854973434

Also we must band together and fight this cause you are important. Also the future of your friends and family. The massive taxes and debt of this thing will hurt more then help us. This bill is what happen when progressive and liberals want to fundamentally tranform this great country of ours.

To quote Sarah from the above post "We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people. We’re going to fire them and send them back to the private sector,". This can happen if you get rid of the rino's and get commonsense conservatives in congress.

Be strong let me leave you with these words of wisdoms. For sometime a defeat is
only a small step toward victory. We lost this battle but we will win the war.

2 comments: said...

Great post. Totally agree with you...time to quit complaining we lost...and get working all over the country to defeat Democrats and depose Pelosi. If every conservative on FACEBOOK volunteered for a campaign in their states...we could easily win 40 seats and the majority!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - Why don't you try debating, instead of insulting a conservative blogger. I think it's awesome what was said, and THANK GOD the young people of America are standing up for what's right, while people like you are standing in line for a handout.