Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump won by doing a Common Man Boogie.

 Welcome to the Brad Essex Report. Here what i'm looking at this week. It a shocker not seen since last week when the Cubs won the world series. Donald Trump is the elected president of the United States. How he won was the shocker. He won States like Pennsylvania,Ohio,Michigan. How did he do that well from my headline some of you may know the answer.

 Dusty Rhodes was a big curly haired wrestler who doesn't seem to look like one, but he had something most people don't have a power to connect with people. More like Blue collar workers. How? By telling them he understand their struggles. In his speech hard time he was calling out Ric Flair. I want you to read this speech because this is what people felt when they heard trump.

 "First of all, I would to thank the many, many fans throughout this country that wrote cards and letters to Dusty Rhodes, The American Dream, while I was down. Secondly, I want to thank Jim Crockett Promotions for waitin’ and takin’ the time ‘cause I know how important it was, Starcade ‘85 it is for the wrestling fans, it is to Jim Crockett promotions, and Dusty Rhodes The American Dream. With that wait, I got what I wanted, Ric Flair the World's Heavyweight Champion. I don’t have to say a whole lot more about the way I feel about Ric Flair; no respect, no honor. There is no honor among thieves in the first place.

 He put hard times on Dusty Rhodes and his family. You don’t know what hard times are, daddy. Hard times are when the textile workers around this country are out of work, they got four or five kids and can’t pay their wages, can’t buy their food. Hard times are when the auto workers are out of work and they tell them to go home. And hard times are when a man has worked at a job for thirty years, thirty years, and they give him a watch, kick him in the butt and say "hey a computer took your place, daddy", that's hard times! That's hard times!"

 Trump reached out and embraced those people who are wanting a fair shake in life and America to be fixed. Hillary speeches were like a robot following instructions. She was the queen & you were her serfs! While you were struggling with bills. she and bill were eating fine dining with kings and queens. While most of Americans were eating Pork and Beans.

 Plus, as I was right to predict many women do not want a woman president, especially older women.  Trump has so many faults, but turned things around with the help of Kellyanne Conway and Omarosa women who were working to get trump the votes. Also Diamond and Silk and Scottie Hughes and Katrina Pearson were there to show the Trump softer side. While Hillary used star power which is a good thing because it showed how out of touch she was with Regular Americans. With the exception of Omarosa, who was on the Trump TV show none of the other women were the stars. They were tea party people.

 As much as I dislike Trump he made the case that he cared about the common people. Also Vets and Police. Hillary hasn't once reached out to the Police and Vets. Only Vet I saw with her was Tammie Duckworth and very few others.

The message is this, if you demonize middle Americans and go out of your way to mock them don't be shocked if someone use the same smooth talking trick Obama did on you. Trump thou should not be like Lonesome Rhodes and be two faced to the American people that backed him.

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