Saturday, February 27, 2016

Post nevada round up!

  Welcome to the Brad Essex Report. Here is what I'm looking at this week. First we saw the birth of a powerful force. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both attacked The Trump last night in a debate in Houston the funny thing about it made Trump cry. He cried so much that today he had to get Chris Christie to endorsed him.

  The other thing thou is why is John yelling at people Kasich and Dr. Ben Carson still in it. Dr. Carson a good dude and try to learn about the issues. The problem is he sound like Apache Chiefs from the super friends. He talk so slow by the time he is finished I'd used the bathroom, got a drink, got something to eat and clean my glasses before he done. Kasich is just sad and pathetic. His always saying look at what I did in Ohio. Look at me I'm important.

One last thing about the debate first that Telemundo woman is insulting to Latinos. First because Immigration seem to be her only questions for the candidates. Latinos also cares about jobs the scandals of the VA and other stuff the Latino community is not a one issue pony. Second then the Trump had to go insult good friend of The Brad Essex Report. Hugh Hewitt because of him asking a tough question. Why trump is scared to answers questions and why won't he release his tax records? Mostly everyone else have but not him.

Then Hilary won South Carolina. I wonder if she did her victory speech with a southern twang or black accent?

Pop Culture time Daredevil was a pretty fun movie. Ryan Reynolds was made for this role. It's not for the kids. Also the jokes were funny and the sight gags were aplenty. Thou one scene will make guys cringe. Also Morena Baccarin should be The Brad Essex Report spokeperson. She good enough for this website.

Finally I've received word a few days ago on the passing of my friend Kelly Wagner. He and I went to high school together in Corpus Christi Texas. He was a 6-5 black guy and I was a 5-7 mutt. He might of been a liberal and I'm a Kansas hellfire conservtarin. Yet we became friends and always talking about girls and football. Years later I've founded him on facebook. He was married with a wife and two Kids.
He loved his caddy but most importantly he loved his family. He worked as foreman in the oil field. He always had crazy videos on his page. I would give him a hard time about the girls he posted on the video because their butt was too big. Today he passed away after coming home from another recent visit to the hospital. I'm glad that he was surrounded with loved ones when he passed. I'll miss you friend. Now that your in heaven tell my mom and grandfolks Ruiz and Essex hello for me. God rest your soul dear friend.

Thank you all for reading my blog post. Make sure you buy my book. Here is the link.*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Also follow my facebook page. Here

Remember you are not a slogan you are a human and the one that can make the changes you want.

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