Thursday, December 10, 2015

Islamic terror and how Trump is not helping matters.

Welcome to the Brad Essex Report. Here what I'm looking at this week. Donald Trump is reeling after his attacks on Muslim saying we should ban muslims from entering this country. That is the wrong ideals. Yes it is scary now a day to see how many muslims attacks there is but many Muslims are not like that. Kurt Schlichter said many Muslims helped him out in Kosovo during his tour of duty. Plus he had to risk his life for them. So fair to say he know not all Muslims are evil. The thing about it is what do we do.

What we need to do is get muslims to be the first line of defense of Islamic jihadists activities. Offer rewards and protection if they see something that could get somebody killed. We need a system that separate the good Muslims from the bad.

Then we have Fox News punishing Ralph Peters and Stacy Dash for calling out Obama bullshit. First Col. Peters calls Obama a total pussy for his non actions of fighting isis. Then Stacie Dash saying Obama don't give a shit about terrorism. They are both right and should not be punished for speaking out about Obama failures. He's the one that made ISIS happen because his deal about leaving two countries unprepared during a war. Therefore ISIS happen and now causing mass chaos.

Pop Culture time. Did you all see the Flash midseason finale? Well dare to say I can't believe Dr. Wells is going to help zoom. Thou he got to in order to save his daughter. Yet I think he will try to undermined him somehow. If I'm right that mean in order to defeat zoom Barry will have to go into the speed force. To trap zoom like he did to savitar in the comic. Also Jessie Martin is the MVP of the show he can show so much emotions in his character. He can make you laugh or sad from his emotions. Also can not forget Tom Cavanaugh as Dr. Wells of earth 2. He made a guy completely different from the guy we thought we knew in season one.

Finally folks I know some of you are Trumps supporters. Yet let me tell you something. Yes I do want a wall. And yes I do want to deport Illegals. I will not however want to interned them in a camp like we did to the Japanese in World war 2. I want lawbreakers out of our country. If you want to be in our country then you must follow the rules and blend in. Also we must weed out Islamic Extremists by any legal means. I don't want this country to be Europe they lost their identity lets make sure we don't lose ours.

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