Saturday, October 24, 2015

Trading places and other dealings.

Welcome to the Brad Essex Report here what I'm looking at this week. First off Donald Trump really step into it say that George W. Bush caused 9/11 when in fact there were numerous reasons 9/11 happened. First and foremost were Bill Clinton refusal to take Osama bin Laden off of the people who captured him hands in 1998.

Due to that Osama was able to plan the attack on 9/11. Second is the allowing of Saudi terrorists to join flight school and only to be taught how to fly planes and not land meaning no one sounded the alarm that they might do something. Then the same terrorists got licences in Florida, Ran at that time by Jeb Bush. So if anything blame Jeb not George on this one Donald.

Second we have Jim Webb after a democratic debate where he sounded like the only adult in the room of giving free stuffs kids is reportedly going to do a independence run for president. It could blow up in the face of Democrats because he could get the blue dog voters to vote for him instead of Hilary or Joe Biden it could provide a win to a Republican president whoever that may be.

Now with Joe Biden out of the race it will be a two horse race with Hillary and Bernie. Still might see Elizabeth Warren aka the fake Indian. Thou would be interesting if Hilary goes to jail who would replace her? We shall see.

Ahmed Mohamed who was arrested after a homemade clock he brought to school was mistaken for a possible bomb will be moving with his family to the Middle East so he can attend school there, his family said Tuesday.

Ahmed Mohamed's family released a statement saying they had accepted a foundation's offer to pay for his high school and college in Doha, Qatar.

Excuse me but you were trying to prove you were innocent yet now your moving to a Middle Eastern hotbed of hate to keep studying? If you wanted to prove people wrong you would of gone back to school in Texas. Work it out with the teachers there and be in the freest country in the world but what this showed me is all you wanted was a free ride and publicity. Also not once did you say I should of made my "clock" look less like a bomb. I know people are still scared by a attack by anyone not just Muslims. I sorry to have scared my classmates and teachers. No by doing that you just keep pushing the lies of all Muslims are terrorists by your actions.

Pop culture time The Kansas City Royals are one win away from reaching the world series. They will face the Toronto Blue Jays in Kansas City on Friday. David Price will be pitching for the blue jays vs. Yordano Ventura .  It has been a back and forth series but in the end with the Royals being back at Kauffman Stadium. Where in the end we won!!! Go Royals!

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