Friday, September 18, 2015

The post debate scorecard and why some people need to get off the island

Welcome to the Brad Essex Report. Here what i'm looking at this week. Well we had our second primary debate on Wednesday but before we get to that on the first pre debate Bobby Jindal said that he would be in favor of jailing and prosecuting mayors of sanctuary cities “as accessories” for crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Which bring up a interesting point in that by having sanctuary cities mean that people could commit any crimes there because they are protected from the law since the city is sanctuary?  Watch someone will use that defense one day to be absolved of being punished. This is why we need to get rid of those cites and focus on the rules of laws.

First off Mike Huckabee messed up Mr.T catchphrase it's I pity the fool not your a fool. This should of automatically disqualify him. It be like Megyn Kelly almost accidently saying Mike fuckabee oh wait that did happen.

Anywho it went down like this. First Donald Trump said this, "First of all, Rand Paul shouldn't even be on this stage." Really Donald like you know people like Rand and you don't want to make the paulbots army mad.

Then  "If I am elected president, the first thing I'll do in office is rip to shreds this catastrophic Iran deal." -U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz which show he with the American people in that we need to stop pandering to bad guys and protect our allies and ourselves.

"Women are not a special interest group. Women are the majority of this country." - Carly Fiorina In a response to a stupid facebook question i think she told left wing feminist to go suck on a honeycomb. We if we should change the face on money give it to people who deserve it regardless of sex, creed, or sexual bent.

Marco Rubio, Senator from Florida:

“The federal government does all kinds of things it shouldn’t be doing. It regulates bathrooms.” True that it shouldn't be all powerful and consuming the public we should be able to be to do whatever we want within reason without the government breathing down our neck.

"When it comes to China, why would we be giving an official state visit to a country that's been involved in a massive cyber attack against the United States?" Scott Walker which is the truth and if i was president I'd tell them you lose your asset in our country till you promise not to attack us by cyber warfare.

"I think women all over the country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said." -Fiorina addressing Trump's earlier comment in a Rolling Stone interview: "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?" He tried to back peddle but we all know what he mean this man should be president because being president mean having a certain decorum. There a time to act tough and there a time to be respectful. Clearly Donald didn't get that email.

Overall Carly Fiorina won the debate. Ted Cruz was second and Donald was last. I wish they let Hugh Hewitt ask more questions then the morons on facebook or Dana not our Dana Bash.

Then we got Hilary tour of being what she is not. Happy, smiling or acting sincere. She was on Ellen and all these other shows. Yet she not ventured to any conservatives TV shows like special report or Hannity. Because she don't want to ask the tough questions. Bernie Sander the socialist went to Liberty University and answered questions from a tough crowd. He has more guts then Hilary the liar!

POP CULTURE TIME. Well did you see that the fall TV shows are starting. I like the Neil Patrick Harris show. He funny and seem like a good dude. Also looking forward to the flash season two and Supergirl. Thou Supergirl should be a blonde just saying.

Finally I would like to say thank you all for checking out my last blog post I was really humbled by how many people read it it is over 1000 views. If you want to continue to read my article you can go to paypal and donate or my go fund me site. Thank tell your friends your family or uncle or aunts or cousins. Remember to be the awesome and remember a winner is you.

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