Sunday, August 23, 2015

How not to clean your server and other musing!

This is the Brad Essex Report here what I'm looking at this week. First we have new report saying that Hilary Clinton backup server is retrievable if so we can now fully see if she had classified info in there which would be a felony charge. Now will we see her in handcuff maybe go to jail. I don't know because   Obama could pardon her. Thou if Joe Biden run maybe he will keep her there to make sure Joe win the election.

Then there Bernie the sandhead Sanders who is picking up support with young people for his socialist views.  That the thing that scares me because they don't see what happen when you do socialist things like in Seattle where they hike up the pay to 15 dollars an hour and places are ether going out of business or places surcharges on bills to keep them afloat.

On the Republican side Donald Trump is doing his full of talk not action campaigning.   He trying to make people forget about his past as a democrat who supported Hilary and Obama. Thou there is a bright spot Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz are surging in the polls as of late. Ted Cruz is showing people like Ellen Page how to debate people like a normal person. Unlike Hilary who when asked about sweeping her server she replied with a broom.
Pop culture time and the split with Jennifer Garner and Ben Afflack is funny because the woman that was Ben side bitch was flying to Vegas with him and Tom Brady and she was wearing Tom Brady superbowl rings as in four rings at the same time. This tell me that she is also being a side bitch to Tom as well and all side bitches get venues.
Another story was the Jared Fogal from Subway getting caught with child porn. He plead guilty of the crime and the kicker here was he was asking for girls younger then sixteen in New York. Which while illegal is not illegal in Indiana which sixteen is the age of consent. Plus he had pictures in his computer which for Jared is very stupid.  He should of took Hilary advice and wiped the computer. Guess he wasn't that bright. Now his jailmates will be eating fresh because Jared will be fresh meat when he goes to prison.

Thank for reading the Brad Essex Report. Remember don't blindly follow me do your homework and find your own truth I'm just opening the gate you has to unlock the truth!

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