Friday, November 21, 2014

What I'm looking at this week pre turkey day edition.

Welcome to the Brad Essex Report we got a lot to get to so let's do it. First we got president Obama executive order letting 5 millions people who has been here longer then five years get amnesty. Well congrats Obama i didn't think you had it in you to do it. You shocked me that you had the balls to go against the popular opinion and do this order. Funny you should do it on the Mexican day of independence. Now more people will try to come into this country. That mean more ways to bring in people with infected diseases and people who are not even Mexican but arabs could be transporting  weapons of mass destructions. Yet you ignored all of that to keep a campaign promise that 75% of Americans didn't want to happen yet here we are. 

A number of states governors and attorney generals are going to sue the hell out of Obama because this is a abuse of power that Richard Nixon would say that just a little too much there. Also what about the ones who did it the right way? They should get a fucking refund for all the times they had to study, get a immigration lawyer , pay for filing fees and other stuff. I have a friend who dealing with getting her husband here the right way and look what you done. You basically told them fuck off losers should of entered the country illegally. You basically gave the 2016 election to the gop because we are going to ram this thing into whoever the democrats decide to run for the seat. We going to tell you because of Obama power grab it will be harder for people to get jobs because employers will like the cheaper person. 

Then we are going to tell people of latino descent that Obama basically said that all you're good for is being a fruit picker or a cleaning person. You will never become bigger then who you are.  I hope you liked that Obama thumbing your nose at the American people like that. Well guess what in January it's game on because we got the senate and house so guess what we going to pass every bill that has been meaning to pass in the last four years. That include Keystone, job bill, and audit the fed. Plus we got a whole bunch more and i'll bet you that the house will over turn many of those vetos you will be using. That because we tired of you acting like a king. Time to learn the hard way when the american people speak you better listen.

One more thing this thing about Adrian Peterson is terrible. Swatting a baby at four years old is never the right thing to do. When they are older and know right from wrong they deserve to be spanked if they get out of line. I am glad my father spanked me. I deserved every swat. I was a pain to deal with at time because i always didn't like people telling me what to do and despite knowing better i did what i want. So my dad hit me with a belt and it wasn't out of anger it was trying to make me into a better person. I know now he did it because he wanted me to be a good citizen and not a out of whack person. I am glad he did it and its made me a better person and i'm sorry i acted up all those years. The point being is that there are time to discipline a  child but not when they are a baby and certainly not with a tree branch like Peterson used. Punishment is a good thing thou and because of it. It will make your kid a better person in the end.

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