Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fear and loathing in obama America

This week everybody on vacation its seem congress is off the justices are off and Obama is off and he is at Martha Vineyard living up with his family. While that going on we have Putin amassing troops on the border of the Ukraine. ISIS is killing Catholics in Iraq. Plus we have a Ebola outbreak in Liberia.  Yet we have a leader that don't care and riding his bike. Plus now we have rioting in St.Louis because of a person got shot even thou he didn't have a weapon allegedly. Obama will not speak out about this because the last time he spoked out about a local issues he said a cop acted "Stupidly". Then do a beer summit that didn't solved anything.

The main reason I think he's not doing anything because he has zoned out. Remember that part in Office Space where Peter played by Ron Livinston was talking to the bob's about how he get to work everyday and he zoned out for 15 mins. during the beginning of work and after his lunch break. This is what obama is doing but he zoning out the whole day and why because like peter said in the movie he's not lazy he just don't care. Yes why should obama care? He's golfing every weekend. Going to 401 fundraiser and counting. Vacations in Martha vineyard. Plus trip to contries around the world.

This past week he invited some of the worst African dictators to Washington, D.C. Except for the one guy who claims to be related to him I wonder why? Thou frankly I feel that he has a disconnect to the American people because no matter what you don't bring some of the worst dictators in the world to eat and listen to Lionel Richite.

We need to buck society and get control of the senate this fall. The amount of bloodletting by obama will stop and we can fix the problems Obama minions created. Plus if he veto something we can override it and restore This country. Then we need to find someone to stop the hater in life Hilary Clinton. She is bad news for this country and with a press not ready to do their job and vet her we need to stop her and not have repeats of bengahzi. This country need to get away from the kids stuff and get some actual leadership.

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