Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Obama Israel trip and why is it just a complete waste of time. Also why S.E. Cupp need not worry about rush limbuagh

Well president Obama gone to Israel this week to meet with Israel Leaders there and Palestine leaders.  Obama was intended to assess the seemingly intractable impasse between the Israelis and Palestinians over how to live next to each other. Plus Obama also made clear that Israel has the right to defend itself as it sees fit, which amounted to a diplomatic signal that Washington would not stop a unilateral Israeli strike at some future point if no progress occurred.

This is just a shell game to kiss up to the jewish americans so they will not be on his back to support Israel even thou in the past Obama was noncommittal to joining Israel in condemning Iran. 

I was going to continue about obama but two things sorta got me pissed. Jim Carrey you know i'm a fan of his movies but recently he had a tirade over people who lawfully owns guns. He call people like us  Quote by the way he was on twitter so bear with me here. 'Cold Dead Hand' is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the safety of our kids.  His song was awkward and lame and the premise of it being a hee haw hosted by the man Charlton Heston and have him try to kill jim carrey as Lonesome Earl who song is outrageus  and mean spirited and untrue. The lyrics are the lamest and crudest i ever heard here the lyrics.

Some folks ride like the wind
when the whisping pines do guide them,
and the burning light inside them
leaves them warm in the snow.

Others fear the sounds they hear,
make banditos out of mole hills,
fill their hearts with porcupine quills;
they’re dead and buried long before they go.

Charlton Heston movies are no longer in demand,
and his immortal soul may lay forever in the sand.
The angels wouldn’t take him up to heaven like he planned
’cause they couldn’t pry that gun from his cold dead hand.

 It takes a cold dead hand to decide to pull the trigger.
takes a cold dead heart, and as near as I can figure
with your cold dead aim you’re trying to prove your dick is bigger,
but we know: your chariot may not be swingin’ low.

Cold dead hand, cold dead hand
Cold dead hand, cold dead hand
You’re a big dick man with a little bitty gland
so you need something bigger just to fill your cold dead hand

Imagine if the Lord were here
and he knew what you’ve been thinkin’
would his sacred heart be sinkin’
into the canyon of dismay?

And on the ones who sell the guns
he’d stick the vultures and coyotes.
Only the devil’s true devotees
could profiteer from pain and fear.

Charlton Heston movies are no longer in demand,
and his immortal soul may lay forever in the sand.
The angels wouldn’t take him up to heaven like he planned
’cause they couldn’t pry that gun from his cold dead hand.

It takes a cold dead hand to decide to pull the trigger.
takes a cold dead heart, and as near as I can figure
with your cold dead aim you’re trying to prove your dick is bigger,
but we know: your chariot may not be swingin’ low.

 Cold dead hand, cold dead hand
Cold dead hand, cold dead hand
You’re a big dick man with a little bitty gland
so you need something bigger with a hairpin trigger.
You don’t wanna get caught with your trousers down
when a psycho killer comes around
So you make your home like a thunderdome
and you’re always packing everywhere you roam
but the psychos will no matter what you do
they’re gonna buy way more guns than you
And while you’re stumblin’ now to bed
They put five rounds in the back of your hair
and you get depressed [inaudible at ~5:00]
and you put your own shotgun in your mouth
And your kids walk in and they find you there
Like a headless lump in your underwear
And they move the gun and it kills them too
And your wife just doesn’t know what to do
So she takes a hand grenade from her shoe
And she pulls the pin

And it’s all on you, and your cold dead hand

Social satire would be like mocking islam or occupy wall st. but no old Jim would mock a man who fought for his country and walked with martin luther king jr. for civil right. Then mock men who lawfully owns guns. Also women who carry guns by calling them heartless mother f-ckers. 

Jim before you start talking out of your butt again. Remember you don't understand what owning a gun means its mean that it our rights as Americans citizens to defend ourselves from enemies both foreign and domestic. As well as tyrannic assault on our freedoms. 

 Bits & Pieces 

Next is this woman Scottie Hughes. She has said that Sarah Palin has lost touch with grassroot and gone all hollywood on people because she didn't shake hands or do a interview after her CPAC speech. Well first your wrong Sarah always there for her followers. Also she is one of the most interactive conservative we have. While Mccain and Graham are doing the cocktail tours Sarah Tim Scott, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and others are meeting with people and talking to them about life and what we need to do for 2014. She can't meet everyone and stop with the ax grinding at her. She does what the people at the event needed her to do. 

S.E. Cupp is a friend but i do disagree with her on her view about Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra fluke a slut will hurt our message. It's don't because let face facts when did this country lose the right to shame someone to change their behavior. If rush didn't call her a slut then she would still be walking around thinking she can do no wrong and no one will know her.  Rush thou shamed her and therefore got people questioning why we are going to pay this woman birth control pills even thou she's in her 30s. I never want the government ever to pay for anything i need. Unless your really helpless and can't work at a job then pay for your own stuff. For too long i have seen able bodied people get food stamps and Health care and think they have earn it. They don't let bring back shaming.  Plus rush could of called her a harlot. Then say her boyfriend should of gotten her some birth control pills. Don't look to the Government to provide you with it its just make you a slave of the system and not your own person. 

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