Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Year in Review!

This have been one of the most craziest years on record. so let me showcase some of the stuff that made us laugh,cry,get angry and have a big facepalm .

First off dumb loser of the year: Al Sharpton for hosting the hatefest known as politic nation. Here is his dumbassery on display. 

Then we have the ron paul little coward award for being scared to fight: Ron Paul win it for his view of getting all our troops home and not having troops to protect Israel from the middle east terrorists.

Worst libs actor of the year: Alec Bladwin for repeated attacks on Conservatives Here some of his attacks on Michelle Malkin.

The heartache but still believe in their message award: Sarah Palin not running for president. I understood why she decided not to run Still her message is right for smaller government and support for Israel and cutting spending.

 The you got to be kidding me award: Goes to michelle obama who had a worldwide party flying to place to place. All on our dimes and brought her kids and mommy and friends.

Best twitter info guy @keder kevin eder bring more fact in 140 then most do in a blog post.

Smartest conservative women in america.

5.Gabby Hoffmann
4.SE Cupp
3.Andrea Tantaros
2.Michelle Malkin
1.Mahsa Saeidi

Best radio host Tammy Bruce and Mark Levin.

Best Liberal Tamara Holder

Best Website  Mine duh. Just kidding my boss man Andrew Brietbart Big sites.

Best Conservative Actor Adam Baldwin. Runner up was you guess it Frank Stallone.

Worst Rally Occupy wall Street You want to know how far the rabbit hole of stupid goes? I like to present the list of crimes done by these idiots. Oh yes the tea party are the evil ones yeah and i'm a crazy person.

Best gop Candidate Jamie Radske  she can be the tea party best hope in 2012. Please support her campaign. 

Worst host ever. Kieth Olbermann.

Finally the The Essex Blog man of the year is. Andrew Brietbart he totally have the most nuts in america.He took down a perv congressman and expose many illegal Obama plans.

Woman of the year for the Essex blog is Sarah Palin. She have been on the forefront of many post tell us what really happening in washington. Also  she have hired Peter Schweizer for her intel on foreign policy who wrote a great book Throw them all out.

Well this is the end of the year i hope you all enjoy my blog posts. Next year we will be bigger and better. Happy new year.

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