Thursday, November 24, 2011

When do we send the troops out to procure Sarah Palin to run?

You know as i sit here and watched the debate a question have been popping in my mind. Where is the people to bring Sarah Palin to run? Now mind you i respect Sarah decision after all the hate and accusation levy on her from the left i could see why she didn't want to run. Thou where the donors coming to her house to ask her to run? I mean they did it for Chris Christie even thou he told them no many times.

I feel that that the top donors to be blunt are little scaredy cats. They don't want to admit that Sarah been right on many of the issues of the world. From health care see this clip from Mark Levin care of the right scoop. To Egypt from Right Scoop and many other things Sarah was right and stupid libs wrong.

Do you support the people who said that she was the cause and effect reason for Gabby Giffords being shot? Also do you believe the lies that Bob Beckel said about Sarah doing things for the money? Plus do you think Roger Ailes is right that Sarah should of told fox news that she wasn't running out of loyalty to him?

All I'm saying is that push come to shove we have a great person that would lead yet people are scared to mention her. They rather give up and not fight and let the stupid debate be a mearly a game of girly slap fight rather then focus on the issues. Well enjoy the fighting i'll pick someone who serious about the issues but wish that Sarah was in front of the issues.

P.S. I just got this on I own the site that Mark Kelly blamed Sarah Palin for his wife shooting
and smug host piers morgan agreed to this not seeing that you perpetuating a lie for his own end read about it here.

I like to wish you all a happy thanksgiving and enjoy the foods and family. Also if you want to shop for christmas gifts please click on the amazon link on the side here and buy as it will help me with this site.


JMac said...

Right on, Brad.

Anonymous said...

That would be nice, but the big money/power boys don't WANT Sarah to run. They want somebody like Mittens. Someone that will play along.