Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's take a trip on obama lame train Plus Sarah Palin setting up for battle

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Well now obama for lack of a better word is on vacation again. He take a lot of trips that are better used to work on our economy. Our markets are going up and down like yo yos.  Yet we need another stimulus bailout cause oh we can't let business work on it's own. Well last i check government don't create jobs. People who run businesses create jobs. We as a nation must tell obama stop messing with our stuff things been going well for over 250 years. Let's not try to screw the pooch here buddy boy.

Everybody is hating on Obama these days even Maxine Waters saying that people are upset with him. Now will this shift to votes we shall see. Yet if someone says something about Obama he or she is labeled a racist like when Slick Rick Perry talk about a black cloud hanging over the country the court fool that is AL Sharpton said its was a racist term. Uh spanky mcfuddyduddy  no it's not you just propagating a lie to smear someone you don't like. I like Rick Perry but he not suited to run for President. He need to know all his words and action will now be watched and he need to speak open but guarded. To quote Al to resist we much.

Sarah Palin was in my tv yesterday everybody wondering if she's running or not. If you read my blog you'll see i carefully studied clues that showed me that she would run. She was expounding the fact that Obama is leading from behind. Thou i would of said he was the poop pickeruper myself. Sarah say that people in the democratic party wish they had Hilary. Yeah but it's was tooken away from them because the Dems wanted Obama to win. They couldn't stand her and yes she has the personality of a brick but she wouldn't have screwed this country like Obama did.

Finally let's talk about Israel. It was attacked yesterday by Muslim extremeist who were hell bent on hurting them and they did many wounded and 7 dead at last checked. We need to protect our little brother. We can leave other countries out of give giving them money. Israel need our cash because they face multiple threats and is not a big country. Islamist would love to wipe out the jews for no reason but to kill them off. Well that won't happen because we will stand strong with Israel and make sure the only thing wiped out is muslims scums. 

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