Thursday, May 19, 2011

The top 25 Conservative 2011 Also is Palin going to change the game now that Huck gone?

Well folks it's that of the year for your top 25 in Conservative in America. As always I'm the decider and never a divider unlike the guy in the white house.

25. Rick Amato he's is a first timer on this list. His radio show is in the middle of communist California. He is a great voice for the troops and all around fun guy.

24. Noelle Nikpour what you get when you combine Indian beauty and Arkansas politic. You get Noelle she is a unique voice in tv as being a conservative minority. Thou she handle the libs. with a smile and southern butt kicking you don't see everyday. Sorry Huckabee but she could rip you a new one without trying.

23. Mahsa Saeidi-Azcué what did Donald Trump feared about her? The fact that she is a smart tea partier. This Persian sweetie is a lawyer who smart and easy on the eyes. She's the one that people can trust.

22. Gabby Hoffman there are a few young people who are leading the tea party movement. Not many are like Gabby. She is a daughter of Lithuanian parents who moved to America to give us a lady who hard work expose the liars and muslim haters on the west coast. She's a star on the rise.   

21. Then here James O'Keefe aka the acornbreaker. He's exposing all sorts of crooks and doing it in a 70's street pimp outfit. Yet still have time to break a dance move on the dance floor.

20.Andrew Breitbart This guy is leading the world in exposing corruption. In fact he so good that he made the CSPAN guy cry like a little girl after doing a interview with him. He's a scallywag. Also a dang good music buff.

19. Herman Cain What can i say he is the tea party most loved person not because of skin color but honesty. He's running for president. This guy may not win but dang it he'll will make people think.

18. Courtney Messerschmidt who is she well if you look at my link she run Great Satan  Girlfriend. Foreign policy with a party girl kick. It's a great read and give you a great view of things in the world.

17. Joe Miller this is a guy who should be on the voting path in 2012. He won an election fair and square. Yet got cheated out by bad voting, bad moocowski, and using the remains of uncle Ted Steven to get a vote. Joe Miller is a great American and if he doesn't run we will lost out on a great voice for freedom.

16. Kinsey Schofield AKA Ms. I.T. girl is one of Hollywood hottest gadget and social media guru. Plus she a tea party babe that on red eye slapping bill Schultz or hanging with her twin Steven Crowder. She the sunshine of Red Eye.

15. Lila Rose she a secret ninja that expose the planned parenthood tricks that every body talking and Kieth Olbermann wishing SE Cupp was dead. If she keep this up then Kieth will be wishing death on all of us.

14. Thaddeus McCotter aka the rock and roll dude. He's Detroit rock city answer to Allen West. He talk straight no chaser. Play a mean guitar and tell Andy Levy what to do. Still waiting for the day Thad tell Andy where my drink little man.

13. Conservative Bloggers They brought it last year with videos, blog posts, and witty comments. Together we created a Tsunami  of red on America. 2012 will be no different we need to bring up and smack obama down.  

12. Ann Mcelhinney She the lady who smack down Al Gore GCC lies and made some great movies about it. Irish by birth but American made.

11. Pamela Geller if you look up fearless you'll see her face she and Robert Spencer have lead in stopping the park 51 the victory mosque at Ground Zero.

10. Hannah and Regis Giles Two girls in their own way shaking up conservatives America. Regis with her gun show and Hannah going undercover to help James  O'Keefe expose corruption.

9. Alfonzo Rachel also known as Zo a man who christian teaching combine with his sense of humor give us many funny and spiritual videos. He also known to play a mean bass.

8. Allen West oh my goodness how awesome is this guy. He talk the talk and walk the walk. He's is the few people to follow his pledge and work on cutting down the taxes. For Americans that support freedom he'll walk thru hell with a gasoline can.  

7. Chris Barron I'll admit i had a hard time deciding if i should put Chris in here cause i know people would accuse me of not being a real Conservative. I decided that he would be in here cause his action will help us get the vote out for a true Conservative. We are going to need every helping hands out there and i believe Chris and Go proud will help us. Also he's not the lead singer of the spin doctor. 

6. Mark Levin he is a man who suing for us to kill obamacare. He's on everyday to help us focus at the task at hand. We must get Obama out of office. He's a true patriot and human being.

5. SE Cupp what can I say she a awesome lady that have to take abuse from a vile pod person like Keith Olbermann. Se Cupp is a real woman who won't backed down from any challenge.

4. Adam Baldswin Aka the the movie star pundit. when he not making shows or slapping liberal like a garden hoe. He write about many different libs bias and have great musical taste. Also maybe the only guy i would pay to watch a movie in the theater.

3. Tammy Bruce She bring the funny and the knowledge everyday. If she was any more awesome she be like a good luck charm. Plus she have no fear. Just everyday when she wakes up Obama like aww poops she's up.

2a. Rush Limbaugh the guru of the conservative movement. His rapier wits and Stack of stuff keep us informed and upbeat. Plus no matter what no libs can stop him and they hate that.

2.Marco Rubio quite simply a man who demeanor show how a true leader should do business. He all action and will not falter on his values. Quite simply i like the cut of this man jib.   

1. Sarah Palin Do i have to explain why? Ok here we go. she have been the only one who been talking the complex problems that America face today in a clear way. No other leaders done that and also she has supported GOP ideas when they are good like Paul Ryans budget plan. Now that a few other candidates have step off the playing field. She's just biding her time to start her campaign.

Ok folks we still working on yearly donations drive here. Robert McCain have giving to the cause and i need you all to pitch in because come on you want news from a grumpy guy like allahpundit or someone who is positive like me who won't bring you down. Like i said just 5$ can help get equipment and set up the site for a more visual styles of blogging. So come on folks please donate. The time to lead is now.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Great post!!

GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD said...

Hi Brad! Thanks for the shout out sir. Keep up the good work, fight the good fight and never. Give. In.


Anonymous said...

Palin is only trying to trick you Brad she is really a moderate who voted to raise taxes on oil companies do not let her win

Thomas S Schmitz said...

All my favorites! Pamela Geller! Thanks B!

Alissa said...

Good post, it's good to see more and more conservatives "coming out." If you update regularly, I'd add Jedediah Bila and Andrea Tantaros and Monica Crowley. Thanks for letting me know about your blog posting.