Thursday, January 20, 2011

How will faith guide us

Well folks we are at a time where we are beginning to see real leadership.The bill to kill (whoops i used the word kill i might be dangerous.) Obamacare passed with 3 democrats who joined in. This is an important step.

Now we need to send it to the senate. Where Harry Reid had promised that the bill will not see the light of day. We need to step up our urgency and make him bring it up to a vote to see who with America and who is with socialism. 

Let's me tell you a little about myself. I came from a family that pride itself on freedom and American values. I lived in a neighborhood where everybody knew each other. I used to go across the street to the key making place to get a pop and some chips and the lady used to ask me about my mom and dad. Mrs. Brock had my dad over for coffee. Mrs.garza come over to see my grandmom and mom and sometime go do something. Mrs. palacio would be out working at the hospital and i go see her mom and my brother friend Louie. They would all come together to run the voting booth at the jr. high school. That what always remind me of freedom of this country. Those ladies husband gone to war came back home build houses and raised a family.

Their love of country surpassed all the crap you hear from most libs and some republicans these days. I know most of my grandmom friends were democrats you has to be to get a job or anything else in south Texas. They cared about me and my dad and brother even thou we were conservative  cause they know that when they needed our help we was always there for them.

I do miss them. They were people who taught me that with hard work a little faith and friendship you can be successful in anything. We were not rich no but we were happy. That what truely matter. We need to cut spending and taxes so people can have a great life without having to be ultra rich.  Yes being rich would be awesome but the times i spent with my grandmom and her friends are stuff that i'll cherish forever.

Finally why does people want to compare people to Nazi. The Nazi were scum of the earth. You can't debate facts with name calling that is just circular logic. When we argue about obamacare we used actual facts from doctors and from people experience with socialized medicine. Yet the libs would have you believe that if you don't support obamacare your a nazi that want to send people to the gas chamber or worst the ovens.
The name calling need to stop if you want to be taken seriously. No one like a name caller.  


Thomas S Schmitz said...

I think that my love for America was taught to me by my grandparents too. Papa died about 6 or 7 years ago. I know he'd be really proud of the way we are fighting for our country. Thank you for reminding me!

Kim said...

Great thought provoking blog, Brad. I miss the days where I knew all of my neighbors and we all watched out for one another. So sad that the libs always resort to name calling when they have nothing else to stand on... Keep it up friend!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work every blog for Sarah helps.