Thursday, October 28, 2010

Take cover libs here come the Tsunami.

It's less then one week till the election. You ready to vote i am. I'm tired of the lame libs taking down our our tea party candidates because they are not snobs like them and don't have the right education. Sorry but some of our forefathers were simple farmers and craftmans that didn't have the wealth to go to collage. I've seen the positive energy of many people for this election. No this is not hope and change it's hope and restore the restoring of america.

Many people ask me what do you think about this election. We are going to see a red tide of freedom coming ashore. We got many great Americans running here a few that i've been supporting.

Joe Miller:

Mattie Fein:

Allen West:

Sean Bielat:

If you want to see more candidates you should check out these sites.



You know all these attack by libs are showing the world how people are. Joy Behar calling Sharron Angle a bitch. Meg Whitman was called a whore. Nikki Haley was called a raghead. These attacks are simply ways to distract people from the real issues of the day.

Then we have Juan Williams getting fired for being on fox and saying what many people feel that if there a Muslim on the plane he get nervous. Well if you punish people for honesty then what will you do when they are dishonest. Like most folks I speak with truth and only lie to my enemies.

Well there are many many Libs who treat their constituents like they are the enemy like Hickenbottom who say rural folks of Colorado are racist and homophobic. Also Jack who chestnuts are roasting in a open fire murtha called Pennsylvanian redneck. These folks don't know people and frankly i want someone who not a polished person to lead by example.

Just remember folks be strong and go out and vote. Voting is a privilege not a right. You go out there if you see something wrong report it and if you can't report it make a big stink about it till someone will help you out. Just be strong and on November 2 the tsunami will clear out the grim and cleanse the political muck.


cookboy said...

Right on Nut!

RuBegonia said...

Yes Sir: "not hope and change it's hope and restore".

Anonymous said...

Right on!