Wednesday, July 14, 2010

America most hated

That me folks I am America most hated. I'll tell you why people hate me cause of my post on the mosque in New York being built and how it will be a trophy for the Muslims. So they hate me cause i spread the truth? Anyway I'm thinking they going to hate the next thing I'm going to write.

The NAACP are the enabler of the new black panther party. They should of condemned them but no they are scared of the peaceful multicultural and multi races tea party. They decried them as racist who are scared of obama. Not really we don't like his policy we don't care if he's black white yellow green blue.

Folks we are in serious trouble with our economy. Our border not secured. We got a oil leak that not getting better and obama what he do? He going golfing and getting a vacation. I know Alan West Angela McGlowan would of done things faster and made sure everything was going well. Not going out and partying like our president doing.

Yeah hate me cause I want America safe and prosperous. I want America in the front for new ideas and innovation. I want Israel to trust us as an allies. I want a leader to inspire and lead not listen to George Soros.

Sarah Palin was right on the money in her facebook posting about the NAACP. One of the money quote was this paraphrasing Ronald Reagan “the glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past.” To over come evil one must stop fighting about stupid things.

Start fixing things to go back to the America we know and love. For a nation that divided it's can not stand. For a nation united anything is possible. Like my home state Kansas motto said " to the stars through difficulties.


Anonymous said...

Very nicely done!!..Sorry bout your friend but who needs friends like that anyway?

trueconscience said...

You're right. A nation divided cannot stand. So why do you listen to those who only seek to divide? Conservatives are playing on your fears and taking pages from the nazi playbook. As Hermann Goering said, and I paraphrase, the easiest way to get people to follow, is to question their patriotism and denounce peacemakers as not caring about the safety of our country. You, sir, are allowing yourself to be led on false premises and phony outrage. It's sad that so many are so easily manipulated. It also highlights just how easy good people can be led astray. Those accusing Obama of being like Hitler really need to take a look in the mirror and see the Glenn Becks and Sarah Palins for what they are. Their tactics in labeling people and questioning motives are wholely devisive and more in keeping with Hitler's and Goering's modus operandi than Obama ever will be.

Unknown said...

Not true why do you think your left wing thinking is the one that will bring us together? If you can see obama have done nothing to united us. He don't condone the black panthers hatred of white people and blocking and scaring people from voting. He refused help from other nations to plug the hole. He give us a health care bill that will bankrupt our economy. Plus he refuse to listen to the people. he think that his leadership will fix everything.

trueconscience. said...

Obama has been trying to work WITH republicans from day one and continues to do so, despite their intent to obstruct every single thing he's trying to do. They are so caught up in their faux outrage about all things Obama that they even stand in the way of unemployment benefits for people who were/are victims of the economic collapse. I'm not saying that I agree with everything Obama does or don't think he's dropped the ball somewhat on several things but it's blatantly obvious who is trying to divide this country. If you think someone like Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin have anything but their own self interests at heart then it's easy to see why you fell for the "worst person on facebook" joke. You seem to be just as delusional and self important as they are. Sad really. As is your grasp of punctuation and grammar. I assume you meant "he doesn't condemn the black panthers". I counter with why don't Sarah and Glenn condemn tea party hatred and racism instead of denying it exists or pretending they play no part in instigating it?

The fact of the matter is, conservatives don't want Obama to succeed in anything. They don't want the country to come together and heal. If that happens, Obama stays in office and if things continue to get better people will see that democratic policies can work and they don't want that to happen. No party has all the answers but the republican party of now has nothing but roadblocks to throw in the way of moving forward.

Sorry, but I don't want our country to go back(wards). I want it to learn from mistakes and go forward so future generations have a better life. I don't want them to return to the bigotry and class divides of the past.

I'm sorry that there are so many people out there like you that seem to relish the idea of regressing the country.

Andy said...

Hey guys, leave this guy alone. He is stating he opinion!!! stop being anonymous and show yourselves. Grow a pair!
He makes really good points

eff you all.. you dumb liberals!

Unknown said...

This is where you are wrong obama never once asked for help with the healthcare bill he want our childrens to suffer. Look at mitt romney healthcare in Massachusetts. It's failing under it's own bureaucracy. Plus it's not helping the people it's supposed to. Also the border is killing us cause of the money being used to treat illegal instead of Americans i've had the misfortune of seeing what illegal really do they don't care about america. The one who do play by the rules and become citizens. I'm scared that muslims will use the borders to nuke us with a dirty bomb.

Truthiness said...

You delete posts that contradict your own opinions, which really aren't your own but those of your heroes Beck and Palin. Talk about growing a set, have the balls to take on criticism, not delete it. Seems rather socialist to me...

Unknown said...

I'm just deleting the one that just attacking my grammer that it i would love to debate you all but please just stick with the issues. i already told josh i'm sorry.

Truthiness said...

brad essex said...

I'm just deleting the one that just attacking my grammer that it i would love to debate you all but please just stick with the issues. i already told josh i'm sorry.

It's spelled "grammar." If you'd like people to respect your opinions, you must first learn to express them clearly. How long until this post is deleted too?

Unknown said...

I won't tolerate bad mouthing me on my blog.

Truthiness said...

Will you tolerate bad mouthing of Palin or is that off limits in Fantasyland too?

M. said...

Please refrain from deleting this comment as I am trying to respectfully counter your opinion with my own.. Now lets proceed

Direct Quote "illegal really do they don't care about america." I believe this to be false. People from all over the place (not just from across the border) come here to find a better life. They enlist in the AMERICAN Military, risking their lives so that you and I can this very conversation. Why do people automatically assume that Illegals don't like or are not patriotic to this country? That is absurd. I am a young first generation American. My parents are working hard and diligently to become naturalized citizens of this great nation. People should start acknowledging those who TRY to become part of this great nation. Illegals don't come here because they "don't care about america." Would you go live in a country that you didn't care about? I have the misfortune of dealing with people who think similarly on this topic. In my young life I have seen all that comes with racism; the looks, the jokes, the rude and uneducated comments and the labels that all Illegals come here on purpose to bring this country down. That is not even close to what they come to do here. Lets not forget that not all Illegals come from below the border, there are many European and Asian Illegals too (trust me, I've met some). It seems to that that every time I get mistaken for an Illegal or get these weird looks, it almost always happens to be someone from the conservative party. Not that Im accusing you of such thing. Which brings me to this question:

Why or how do people come to that mentality? That all Illegals hate or come to destroy America? How?

Unknown said...

Personal experience I've seen with my own eyes what illegal have done to this country they take jobs that could be given to an American they use fake id to get these jobs. Then they get stuff from rental places and then ship them to Mexico. To their wife even thou they are marry here to another woman. Look i want legal immigrants here in America for god sake if we let the borders open i fear an attack by muslim disgused as mexicans using a dirty bomb or chemical weapon on us. I've had a friend who lost loved ones in a nerve gas attack i had nightmares about it. So that why i feel that way also i am half mexican. So this is not out of racism but concern.

M. said...

Ok, lets say you live in the state with the lowest minimum wage. I'm assuming you have a higher education.
Now lets say you got laid off (God Forbid, I don't wish that to anybody) Would you really want to take some of the jobs that those immigrants have? working from 5am to 7,8,9pm? There has been research and America has become really materialistic. I'm a teenager, I definitely want the latest gadgets, clothes etc. Do you really think that a big Wall Street entrepreneur will want to work all day working a minimum wage, with no healthcare or paid vacation? I would think no. Would they want to live in a shack? I'm assuming they wouldn't. Yes immigrants have jobs but some of those jobs are the ones that people would not want. Immigrants are taking those jobs that help run this country smoothly, they dont have the luxury of paid vacations or healthcare. They don't work just to work. They work because it's necessary and those are the only jobs that are available to them. I asked my teenage friends "Lets get a job at orchard, we can work outside in the nice weather" Their honest reply "God no, I wouldn't do that.that would be like...boring" Many people (including myself) have become way to materialistic and don't value hard work, we think that those jobs are easy.. They are not.

Why would Muslims attack us with a chemical bomb? Muslim is a religion of Islam. Surely the people you refer too are much smart than just hoppin' over the border to drop a chemical weapon.

Unknown said...

You know your right that some people wouldn't want the jobs that most illegal want. On the other hand sometime you have to swallow your pride and take what ever there. my dad was a bank manager but things happen and he became a head of security at a casino. My mom rest in peace was an executive secretary but then cause of her health she had to work at wal mart. As far as the terrorist goes yes they would do that they do it everyday in Israel if we don't have a wall with border patrol and national guards protecting us they will be able to drive in fire a nerve gas or dirty bomb and kill many people. For goodness sake they found a tunnel from the border all the way to san deigo.

M. said...

Im sorry for your loss.
But even that, a casino head of security and a walmart employee are better jobs than what those other have.

Regarding the tunnel, I'm sure that tunnel was operated by Mexican nationals..not Muslims. In any case, how would the Muslims gain control of said tunnel? I'm pretty sure that since that tunnel has been found authorities have probably checked other areas that could have one. I still don't see how they would gain control or even bother with that border. There is a border in Canada too. They could always (God Forbid) use airspace, or by sea. So that logic still stumps me.

Unknown said...

Because planes and ship are always searched and also cars too. My grandpa couldn't give his doggy's bacon he got from a Mexican restaurant when we crossed over to Mexico for a visit. Plus as far as Muslims goes they can pay off the police and officials over there to turn a blind eye and use the country to plan an attack. In fact look at el paso they had the mayor offical shot up from a gun fight in meixco cause the building is near the border. So get a few muslims who can slip past the border what you get thousands dead and then you'll get a real lockdown and no immigrants come in.

Anonymous said...

Nice that you stereotype all Muslims as terrorists. Islamic extremists do not represent all Muslims, just as the KKK does not represent all Christians.

There is so much wrong with everything you say I don't even know where to begin.

Unknown said...

I don't dingleberry i'm a friend of a few muslims. but i do fear for the one that want to hurt us.

Anonymous said...

I'd take you more seriously if you showed any clear grasp of the English language...

Not This Guy Again said...

I'm pretty sure you aren't America's most hated.

In fact, I'm pretty certain you wouldn't crack the top one hundred thousand.

Glenn Beck has hinted at not being against armed revolt on his radio show. and he toys with treasonous comments relatively frequently.

Know your sources better.

Unknown said...

i don't want armed revolt i want the laws to be enforced. But i am the most hated cause i don't care what the pc crowd want i want America to be strong.

Montana said...

The Tea Bag Party are just “haters not debaters” or as others have dubbed them “screamers not dreamers”, with their failed attempts at stopping Healthcare reform, they say they respect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence but they do not mind passing laws, through weak Governors (no one voted for this crazy) who only cares about getting elected Governor, on the backs of undocumented workers, that will not pass Constitution muster.

Brewer signed into law;
1. S.B. 1070,
2. No permit conceal weapons law,
3. The famous Birthers law,
4. Banning Ethnic studies law,
5. Banning human-animal hybrid (aren’t most GOPers crossed with the Reptilian race?)
or are they just giving Laurence Gonzales, some great promotion material for his new book “Lucy”.

6. Could she be behind the Mural in Prescott, Arizona, ordered to be whiten,
7. On deck to pass, no citizenship to babies born to undocumented workers,

8. If she can read she should look up Arizona’s House Bill 2779 from two years ago (which was un-constitution and failed when legally challenged),
9. The boycotted Martin Luther King Day, what idiots don’t want another holiday? Yes, you guessed it Arizona.

Well Arizona, you can boycott new holidays and keep passing crazy laws and the rest of us will continue to challenged them in a court of law and continue to add cities to our Boycott of your state.

I real cannot believe anything that comes out of Brewer’s mouth, in an interview she first said her father had died in Germany fighting the Nazi in World War II (war ended 1945) but of course we find out the truth that father was never in Germany and died in California in 1955. But we are suppose to believe everything else she says, right! No one voted for you for Governor, yet you keep listening to the tiny brains of the crazies and signing into law everything that comes into their feeble minds, it only make you look dumb, stupid or racist, or maybe all three.

As for the Tea Bag Party, their phony patriotism is sickening; they are just racists going by another name. We all know you are just itching to put a sheet on their head? Let’s face it the Republicans had eight years to deal with health care, immigration, energy (remember Cheney’s secret meetings with oil companies where loosening regulation and oversight were sealed), climate change and financial oversight and governance and they failed. It appears that the Republican Party is only good at starting wars (two in eight years, with fat contracts to friends of Cheney/Bush) but not at winning wars as seen by the continuing line of body bags that keep coming home. The Republicans party will continue turned inward to their old fashion obstructionist party (and their Confederacy appreciation roots) because they continue to allow a small portions (but very loud portion) of their party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” to rule their party. I will admit that this fringe is very good at playing “Follow the Leader” by listening to their dullard leaders, Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush, Savage, Sarah Bailin, Orly Taitz, Victoria Jackson, Michele Bachmann and the rest of the Blowhards and acting as ill programmed robots (they have already acted against doctors that perform abortions). Yee Haw!

M. said...

I agree with Montana. Especially Gov. Brewer. I still can't grasp the idea of S.B 1070. We did have a discussion in school about the Ethics Studies Law. I don't see why anyone would want to ban that. I mean my generation along with the others to come should would benefits from Ethic Studies.

The No permit conceal weapons law i did not know about.. that seems really..stupid to be honest. That would only make matters worse.

Unknown said...

The law is a good law also they can't arrest someone because of race. They must of done something before being asked for papers.

Anonymous said...

Certainly this blog is an inspired form of satire.

Not This Guy Again said...

A "strong America" is poorly defined. It's as bad as the "pro-life" label, in that nobody is "anti-life" excluding some fatalists and psychopaths.

we all want a strong America but we certainly aren't all going Monroe Doctrine/isolationist and we really can't with the global economy and the national debt we are currently running with.

Also, xenophobia, look it up.

Unknown said...

This can't possibly be real, can it?

This guy can't possibly have that loose a grasp on the English language, cherish Sister Sarah, idolize Lonesome Rhodes, believe this "tea party isn't racist" garbage, and actually be real.

No friggin' way...

Digmeat said...

The problem is this. Tea Party candidates will win a number of these congressional races because local districts are often safely partisan in nature. They can make their wild, unfounded claims, crazy accusations, etc., and win. That means not only are we likely to see an increase in Republican seats in both houses, we're likely to see more antics, more insanity, more stupidity. At the same time they're going to do everything they can to derail Obama's policies which will likely mean high unemployment, a moribund economy, and more compromises on policy positions that make no one happy.

That could literally mean that if the Republicans put up a legitimate candidate in 2012, they could win. Such a result is bad enough, but the likely response for the Democrats is to move further to the "middle" to placate voters. As we've seen over the last decade, the "middle" in American politics is basically on the verge of being an 80s Republican. Increasingly that means we'll have a political landscape of a conservative party and ratfuck insane parties. The former, given it's track record, slowly moving to the right, the latter, given it's track record, loudly screaming "socialism, communism, fascism!!!"

If we continue on this course, privatization will be socialism.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why anyone would want to go back to the George W Bush era. Was it really that great? Really? Isolated in the world fighting two wars with little support and screwing the economy.

If you want to take back the country from the corporations that control stuff now then I am with you, if not then you need to do some serious non-Fox News reading.

Republicans and some Democrats don't want to work for the people they want to work for themselves and people like Beck and Palin lead the parade for those who vote against their best interests.

Anonymous said...

It's called grammar. Cornerstone of the American language. SO many immigrants (illegal or otherwise)are fabulous at it - and you're so obviously not. Ironic, no?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the liberals still spewing about spelling and grammar. Why do they accuse us of being intollerant? Republicans DO work for the people. Business is what create jobs. Government handouts create a need for more government handouts. Obama does NOT want to work with Republicans. He just wants them to vote his way. Thankfully, they work for us, and are not his puppets.

Good job with the post Brad, and btw, I totally agree with you about the NAACP, New Black Panthers and all. It's ashame really, the organization that is supposed to be about making things fair, is bringing racism back to the front lines. None of us need that.

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Unknown said...

Oh I get it! Its a character right? You express Republican views, but you type like a total retard. You're trying to say only a retarded person could believe the shit you put up here. That's awesome, man! Right on!

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- Thomas