Saturday, June 19, 2010

The life of a hero

Manute Bol died today. You might not think of him as more then a basketball player. For his country of Sudan he is a hero. His love for his country is awe inspiring. He used his money not on himself but for his people. He has faced the Muslim hordes that wanted to reward him with a job as a sport minister. He had to first become a Muslim he refused the job because he was a Christian. This man should be respected by his heart not just because he could blocked shots.

I'll admit I'm not a saint like he was. I like stuff but I do try to help people when I can. A lot of people would never say hello to him cause he was different. People do that to me too. I could never judge a book by its cover I look at the people by his or her action. Tamara Holden is a liberal but I do consider her a friend cause she does chat with me and is friendly with me.

People don't like me cause I'm a conservative. I understand but I would rather you hate me for how i treat people then for what i believe in. My ideal come from my father. He always told me to look at the other side and try not to just stick to one side of the argument.

Manute was a man who would do anything for a friend. I would too cause we have one life on this earth. We shouldn't be fighting about how we should stop the oil leak. We should all go down there and help however we can. Obama should let anybody that have a idea go down there and do it. Fix the problem and make sure it never happen again.

It's sad that manute died cause he was a young man who put his faith in himself and god to help his people. We should put our faith in who or whatever we believe in to help improve America. May god bless Manute and for him i can only say this. You have fought the good fight, You have finished the race, You have kept the faith. Now there is in store for you the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to you on this day.