Saturday, January 30, 2010

The SOTU or hey america kiss my ass said obama blog

So this week we got another obama speech and the stupid in this president is strong. Blame bush, blame banks. Blame the supreme court, blame everybody but himself. He want to push his agenda damn the American public. No wonder the world laugh at us.

Sarah Palin did a great job smacking obama down. See here . Now more then ever we need to stop him Scott Brown is the first step but we need to elect people in the GOP primary that are conservative and then elect them in the fall to cripple obama agenda.

I would be remiss if i didn't give a shout out to justice Alito he spoke truth to power. Saying not true about obama slam on the supreme court verdict on mccain fiengold. I hope more people go up to obama and tell him fuck you commie you will not kill this country. We will stop you and defeat you.

I respect the office of the presidency not the man who runs it. I will not protect him cause he black. Being black don't give a right to walk over people and take over industry let terrorists be judged in America or other things. I'll never support someone on skin tone but on content of character. Freedom is good communist leaning have no place in American society.

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