Saturday, January 9, 2016

Is a Town Hall a comedy? with Obama doing it Yes it is.

This week we had president Obama signed a executive order for more gun control laws in this country. Yet many law enforcement group are saying that it would of helped in the shooting in San Bernadino. When he did a Press Conference about the new orders he shed tears. Yet none of his actions would of saved those kids in Newport. So where the tears for the Oklahoma woman who was beheaded? The woman who ran over those people in Las Vegas?

  This is a person who rather blame the NRA then people who are radical extremist Islamic jihadist. Also those who are mentally unwell and need help. Yet the rational gun owners are the victims of falsehood by Obama and leftist leaning people. Now there was a cop who was shot by a guy who yelled Allah Akbar to him yet we can call him a terrorist according to the Philadelphia mayor. We are tied up as a nation if we can't call out the evil for what it is.

Then he had his little town hall which was a joke in itself. Obama told a rape victim that a gun would of stopped her rapist. Thou we did see some pushback by Paul Babeu asking if his laws would of stopped the massacre that happen. Then Taya Kyle wife of slain sniper Chris Kyle ask Obama why is he trying to take our rights to protect ourselves.

 Next we have Milo Yiannopoulos who was stripped of his twitter check mark because of some unknown violation. This just another attack on conservatives speech. When we say something it bad but if someone want to kill Jews in the name of Islam he is not messed with or say he will kill a conservative blogger. No action. We like interaction and we want free speech but we want people who threaten someone to be punish and Milo is not a guy to do that. He too busy talking about video games and his black security guys he loves. 

Pop Culture time. So Star Wars the force awake have overtook Avatar to be the highest grossing movie of all time which is a good thing because Avatar was about being a lefty and anti troops. While Star Wars is about doing good and fighting the bad guys. Plus the power of family. Thou i can't wait for The Flash to return and Deadpool. Yes I hate marvel but dang Ryan Reynolds funny as hell. Also Superman Vs. Batman dawn of justice.  

Finally I want to talk about my labor of love my E-book*Version*=1&*entries*=0# the Last guy you'd expect to be conservative. I wrote this as a introduction to me and how politic shaped me as a person and writer. i hope you down load and buy this book because you will enjoy it. Act now and you might win a free oven mitt.* 

 * you won't get a oven mitt but you'll get my humbled thank for buying my book. 

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