Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Black like me how Rachel Dolezal bamboozaled the naacp

This is what I'm looking at this week. Rachel Dolezal has stepped down as naacp president in Spokane. Spokane is where your truly resided for a few years and people got to see that Spokane is exceedingly nice and therefore may not noticed her appropriating black attributes and see that she is a lily white woman. Appropriating black culture has been happening for a few decades now but this is it natural conclusion. When a moron like her use trickery to get positions that should of not been given to her we as a country has truly got off the PC ledge.  

The black community don't need the naacp but they should be weary of people trying to use the victimhood of being black to get power is not a commendable thing. PC mean you don't questions things therefore she got away with this for the longest of time. Now she will use this to put on the victim face and use it to take money from networks for her own gain. I hope that the Spokane mayor office punish her for lying in order to get a position on a community police board. 

Also it funny she called spokane whitetopia and set rules for going to the movie house when watching a movie like selma. Like move to the balcony so you won't be noticed by the white people who will judge your reaction to the movie. I'm sorry but i have to take offense to this spokane is a very multicultural city from the strong Irish influence and the rise of Russian and Asians people living there i doubt you could call spokane whitetopia. 

Next Jeb Bush and Donald Trump are entering the presidential race. Here is another example of someone appropriating someone Else's culture. Jeb Bush speaking Spanish during his speech to announce he's running. You about as much Hispanic as Tyler Perry is a woman. He could of just say i will reach out to the spanish community but no he had to do this song and dance in spanish to woo latino to vote for him. Being half latino descent i don't like it. His ideals is also wrong for this country. Why because this is a melting pot we shouldn't single out one group over the other. This is why we are in the mess we are in right now. Plus Donald Trump is a guy who need to see that he won't win anything because people will see beside his successes he had a whole bunch of failures too. Does the USFL ring a bell?  Plus not many people will like him smarmy attitude and disconnect with regular folks. Which bring me to my culture point of the week.   

Dusty Rhodes died this week he was known for his hard times promo that talked about the struggles of middle america because he has been thru that in his life before wrestling unlike rich folks like Donald Trump. Dusty whose real name is Virgil Runnels was a son of a plumber. The thing about Dusty Rhodes to me was his smile and sense of fun.  From every saturday night announcing on the WCW  mothership show on WTBS. Then to see him in the ring with his boys telling Stephanie Mcmahon that he'll be her huckleberry all night long and then giving out bionic elbows to everyone in the match that followed like a man possessed. I will miss him because he brought a smile to my face and to your too if you were a wrestling fan. God rest your soul Virgil Runnels for now you are eating with the one true king in heaven. RIP

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The money man or why people think Rubio rich yet Hilary isn't

  This is what I'm looking at this week.  So the New York Times has mocked Marco Rubio for his fortune. Let me see i seen his boat and house they not exactly mansion and a yacht. You want him to live in a shack with cars in the lawns and family members smoking joints and speaking in broken english? I understand but understand this John Kerry was a guy who moved his boat to another state to avoid taxes. Hilary doesn't disclose her earning from the clinton foundation. Yet we suppose to worry about Marcos Rubio finances. Hey Times you haven't said anything bout Carly Fiorina wealth why is it because she exposed her earning to everybody because she want to be transparent. You know unlike every democrats running right now in their primary. It's about being intellectually honest with your readers.  

 Then we got Obama basically avoiding the prime minister of Iraq. Why it is because he doesn't want no one to see how he turned victory into defeat. He now expected to put more advisors on the ground. Instead of putting boots on the ground he expect them to advise the Iraqi troops who rather have the U.S. fight their battles. They have lost keys positions in Iraq. They are getting closer to ISIS taken over their country and then ISIS is attacking Saudi Arabia instead of helping out we just standing around because Obama is a coward and scared to fight the real enemy. It's not global warming. Beside this tool say we don't have a complete strategy. You don't but our military leaders do.

Pop culture time and i am checking out the the new shows coming out this fall. I have high hope for legends of tomorrow, supergirl, and blindspot. Show no looking forward to uncle Buck. That right they are making a uncle Buck show this time with black actors. It not because their black but you can't improve on a classic let alone a tv series. Look what happen to Ferris Buller tv show that show sucked. How about parenthood? Without Steve Martin you might as well call it crappyhood. So that why you can't remake uncle Buck or Big Troubles in little china. I love the rock Dwayne Johnson he's funny and a great action star but he's no Jack Burton that is Kurt Russell role.  Come on hollywood there a lot of good ideas out there hell i got one written out already. The crushing of my childhood movie watching need to stop. Also please more Nick Searcy please.

One more thing this post will get me up to 60,000 views on my site i am honored to write for you all and hope that you'll enjoy me enough for 60,000 views on my site. Thank you and god bless you all! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The summertime coming post!

   This is what i'm looking at this week. First the patriot act is dead i came to talk about it not bury it! This thing is good and bad. First it's good because instead of nsa listening to your phone chat it can't unless it get a warrant to listen in. The bad thing about it it will be harder to find bad guys trying to plan attacks on the U.S. Rand Paul lead this attack on shutting down the patriot act. If he really wanted to do good he get rid of the TSA and adopt Israel security plans which is hiring better trained people to just ask questions and pay attention to suspicious people and tighten our hiring practice of people who work at the airline! Also profile the hell out of muslims or crazy looking or acting people! 

   Then we have a few more people enter the presidential race. Like Lindsey Graham.  He has a shot of winning as much as Cleveland quit being the factory of sadness! This is why i don't understand why some people run. No one is going to buy his crap. He is the little poodle of John Mccain.  His opposite number on the democratic side one Martin O'Mallory  he was mayor of Baltimore and governor of Maryland. If you ever saw the wire and wonder how come it's so bad then as it is now blame this guy. This guy wanted to tax the rain. Yet he think he is fit to be president? 

  Plus we getting news that The Donald Donald Trump will be making a announcement. My idea is if I ran the GOP is get a focus group. With people like Kristina Ribali, Ashe Schow, plus a few other like former members of misfit politic. Plus Dana Loesch, the guy of tracked & targeted and FTR radio and a few internet radios show and ask them who you think have a good chance to win and we would weed out all the pretenders.  We need to streamline this and focus on Hilary losing and America winning! 

    Then we have the news that Texas have open carry law. I thought Texas was supposed to be the leader in 2nd amendment rights? Yet Kansas and Oklahoma both had open carry long before Texas. I do cheer for them protecting our rights to arms ourselves and making sure teachers are able to protect their lives and their students on campus. Texas just need to know they're not the first in everything I'm just saying. 

  Next let get into pop culture. Bruce Jenner just showed his first pictures as a woman. I am conflicted because part of me want to support him part of me think he has mental problems. It from reading some of my gay friends tweets that don't support his choice because they say he is mentally ill. Part of me think it true but part of me want to be accepting him as who he is because I need to keep a open mind about it. This issue confuses me. So I'm going to stay neutral in this thing and see how it rides out. 

Finally lets pray for Leah Stills the daughter of bengals player Devin Stills and all kids who are facing a uphill battle with cancer know that you are loved and we are praying for you to get better. Faith is a powerful tool if we don't have it we are lost and powerless without it.