Thursday, August 4, 2011

Go Proud and Palin.

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Well folks i have some sucky news Go Proud the conservative activists group is not going to CPAC. Why? Is it because their gay? Well that is stupid because Chris Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia has been at the forefront of our fight over obama and the insane clown posse. ( Wait a sec isn't that a group yes it's a group they have some good songs. Aren't they the one who don't know how magnet works? Yes but for this article I'm talking about obama and his buddies.) 

 Sorry arguing with my staff. Oh wait I'm the only staff member. Whatever look Sarah Palin said it best in that she support having Go Proud at CPAC to bring their voice to the conversation. We need Go Proud they believe in the Tea Party movement  they will help get out to gay Americans that America need new leadership. We need every weapon at our disposal. I know a few of you think "Why? Is it because they're gay?"

By whose words if you say the bible then tell me do you think that god said this about the gays. I believe god love all his children's. Our faith is a strong weapon yet i believe that the writing of men of god words are fallible.I'm not in favor of them getting married in church cause you'll never get the church to change it's way but if a state allows marriage by the state why not as long as it's mandated by the people.  Don't sue for marriage vote on it because it's the right thing to do and if it fail try again. Use the power of the vote to make change not a lawsuit. 

Also what happen between two adults are their business. I rather have a guy be with a guy then a kid like in the Muslims countries where grown men have sex with a 2 years old.  These people are the real sleezey people. Not Goproud. Cpac need to changes their minds and fast because 2012 is coming and we need rally around each other and fight the obama legion of hate.  

I only bring this up cause Chris Barron always encourage me and treat me like a true friend. I'm friend with many on the twitter but not many would take time to read my blog or donate. He does read my blog and treat me well so i support him plus he drive the libs crazy on msnbc.

Speaking of which they passed the debt ceiling crapola thingamajig and let's just say all sides didn't get what they wanted. So now what i tell you now is what's going to happen. We going to vote Obama out of office. He's sucking so bad that it's just sad. We need someone who will grasp the fact is we can't spend anymore. Also don't pick a moron for a VP. Joe Biden how dare you make fun of Gabby Gifford by saying she part of the cracked head club. Also this was a stunt by the dems to push a lady who has not totally healed to vote on this crap weasel deal. 

Also kudos to Sarah for curb stomping Wilfred Mitten Romney about his leadership ability. He should lead by example instead of waiting for the polling results. She brought the thunder. It's was so good of a butt kicking that it's call for me to give her the pimp slap of the week award. This award is people who bring the thunders to stupid people everywhere. Past winners include George Bush, Cm Punk, Mahsa Saeidi-Azcué and John Nolte and Tammy Bruce.

OK i know you wanted to see this so this is my list of people in politic i don't like:

Lisa moocowski aka the woman who couldn't let go of her power even thou she lost fair and square. You wonder why people hate congress Lisa your one of the main reason.

Obama There are many reason to hate him but the one thing is he don't have a caring bone in his body for this country.

Nicole Wallace and husband Mark Wallace aka the screw ups of the mccain palin ticket they couldn't run a Klan rally let alone a presidential campaign. Yet they still on tv cause no one ask them this why did you sabotage McCain/Palin.

Bob Beckel this cocaine nose job is a bumbling idiot that don't know when to shut up. Bob people are laughing at you not with you. 

Geraldo Rivera aka loser of the year this guy is so up the illegal butt that they call him a enema. Then to insult Michelle Malkin is something you should never do. Do it again and a lot of people will make you humble.

Finally Kieth Olbermann dude your stupid and dumb never have a conservative on your show. Also you make people angry by your mere presence. You sir are a jerk and you should be fired and host a home shopping channel.


Anonymous said...

Great job Brad. There's something in here for everyone

Jeff Schreiber said...

Love it. I ain't no big shot like Sarah Palin, but I aspire to one day claim that Pimp Slap of the Week award. One day, Brad ... one day it shall be mine!

Fantastic job.


Thomas S Schmitz said...

What a Great Article Brad! Good Job!