Thursday, April 28, 2011

The truth come out Obama got played by trump

Well today Obama released his birth certificate only after real estate mogul Donald Trump kept bugging him about it. Obama then started to wag his finger and say we need to take care of business then left to do a interview with Oprah and a few fundraiser.

The audacity of mr.hopey mcchangey saying that American don't care about the business of America. Let see goes to Oprah and fundraisers while there are storms in the south killing peoples. He's goes golfing and vacationing while we have a oil leak. Also while he waited four days after Gabby Gifford got shot he let lefty bloggers and TV pundits say it's was the fault of the tea partiers. Only when Don Trump was riding him like Seattle slew did he produced the birth certificate. Then Sarah Palin took him to the woodshed about what in the wide world of sport are we doing in Libya. Ether tell us the plan and fight to win or get out and let America lead not NATO. Plus Spanky Obama why don't you try out Mr.Ryan budget plan. Also don't raise the debt ceiling.

Then this Royal wedding thing. come on people really it just two kids getting married that it. It's not like the king of Prussia marrying the princess of Monaco would get any air time. You know I don't have a problem with the dog and pony show of the wedding but it's cut into my Red Eye time. What about other royals family when they get their screen time. The emperor of japan like dang dude we could of had some good press and celebs come to our wedding but no they like the English king and queen stuff.     

Also the draft is tonight. I expect the chiefs to get a wide receiver or offensive lineman with the first pick. Plus i think that the players are wrong on this whole lockout thing. Why should the owners open the books the only thing the owners need to do is provide medical insurance to the players. The players make too much money and it's hurting the fans with high tickets prices and other stuffs. 

Finally let talk about accents. Chris no balls on him Matthew said that Hayley Barbour accent would not let him be elected president. Sorry Chris but he wouldn't have won cause he not well known as many of the other candidates in the race. Also Chris Sarah Palin got an accent but if she ran now she would win. People know her and like her. Her accent will not affect her at all. Chris Matthew you so stupid that you almost to Keith Olbermann level. Not quite cause you haven't said that SE Cupp should of been aborted but i know you think it.   


Thomas S Schmitz said...

Brad, you have an excellent way of explaining just how lazy, incompetent, weak & ineffective of a tool Barack Obama is. Go get em Brad!

Bridget Willard said...

I hate to say it but white text on black is really hard to read, Brad.

Bridget Willard said...

We have an Absentee President. It is embarrassing how often he vacations, especially during times of crisis.

He doesn't even pretend to care.