Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Kansan heart

Well folks as i sit here thinking about life while meditating to enya. I wanted to tell you what i believe in. I believe that some people are too stupid to help others. This is while i watch a commercial about net for people in Africa. Why use net when they can use ddt to kill the bugs that carry diseases. Oh that right it's harmful to the environment.

Well the volcano in iceland is harmful to the environment experts believe it will cause a cooling trend this summer. Yet nobody cares but mention ddt to help kids in Africa and oh shit protect the land.

These people by not acting is showing the evil side of their nature. Help the kids as long as we take away the best option. I know i have a bad side my temper is legendary but i will not be controlled by the darkness to cloud my judgement on how to help people.

Like Sarah Palin she could've taken the easy way out and agree with the democrats on tax and craps obamacare and immigration. No she use mental clarity and the voice of the people to see the right path for america.

Like a lot of folks i'm glad Gov. Jan Brewer signed that immigration law. They say it's racist and mean. No it's a way to protect U.S. border from Mexican Invasion plus stop any terrorist from using Mexico as a way to sneak in a bio weapon or nukes.

I'm half Mexican and I've seen what illegal do here they often marry to stay here legally while married to someone else in mexico and steal from rental places and ship the goods to Mexico. This have to stop and also the hiring of illegals for labor. A lot of places do this to cut down on payroll. Which is not right they just using them as slave labor. If you think i'm a racist well fuck you and get out. I'm a man based in reality that playing by the rules in america works.

Sometime it's hard to do the right thing i'll admit it i've done my fair shares of doing wrong. Well we can't do that we must do the right thing in order to get america back on track. I know what you saying how we can do it? Well you do it by electing the right people to congress.

You let your voice be heard. Set the right example to your family and neighborhood. Finally give without feeling like you have to it's because you want to. Together you can lead America back to the greatness that it's need to be.


Anonymous said...

Go FUCK yourself. Obama will have a second term and hopefully Arizona will experience a nuclear bomb. Get rid of all the white racists in that state.

Monroe said...

The bill is simple if you get pulled over noth'n changed asked to show DL & Reg & Ins wait for check get a ticket. Unless you don't have documents you don't need to worry. Has nothing to do with race its got everything to do with security tax dollars safety & the rule of law.
Personnaly you seem a little concerned by all this if you are an illegal yourself Connor? Go to the Mexican consolate and apply for a green card then get a day laborer permit until your request is granted you ight need to wait a couple years but at least while you are in the States you will be legally here. Good luck we are not trying to go after the Mexican worker its the illegal aliens that cause so much cost violence at times and even drug problems. If we as Americans came to another nation and di the same thing we would be immediatly deported or imprisoned. Mexico should help more than they do but all in all the gig is up and we are tired of watchig our country be over ran with people from all over the planet who don't come here properly. If folks would do it the right way we would welcome each and everyone one here illegally back as we can employ and assimilate them. God bless you & yours. By the way statistics show that Whites are the least racial/racist of all races so perhaps you would be served going to a KKK meeting a Black Panther meeting or a LARAZA meeting if you want to experience real racists. The average everyday White black brown red yellow grren pink purple persons are not racists its a term that when thrown around loosly most often times mirrors the individual using the term.

To the gentleman whom this blog belongs I really enjoyed your views and greatly appreciate your honesty and loyalty to a new a wonderful life here with all the rest of us Immagrants God Bless My people came here in 1607 at Jamestown VA and along the way intermarried with several native tribes I have geat g mom Cherekee so does my wife we go to POwWows and all but also do the civil war reenactment viewings we are deverse people thats what makes us great wish many bad apples within all races would clean up their acts so we could all get along starting with our POTUS setting the example

God Bless America & American's one & all

Anonymous said...

sorry about the triple post please remove a couple of them don't see where i can do it thanks