Monday, February 8, 2010

Megan mccain is a hater

Hello meggie mac i see that your trashing your dad running mate again. Wow who knew that someone that treated your father like her dad would be trashed by you. You know i've read up on you and you were a independent till your dad ran for president. You know just cause you got a blog doesn't mean you can make up the rules of life. I don't hate gay people i'm for civil unions but you make people think that republicans hate gays. Then you believe global warming is true yet I'm inside listening to a snowstorm outside.

You hate on Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter. Yet you never try to see that they are right about a lot of things. You trashed Bristol Palin for her views on sex yet you never had to see the consequences of sex like she has and learning from her mistakes.

Now i know i never met you. Plus you wouldn't want to meet a guy who have cerebral palsy anyway. Your mom and sister and brothers are way more better people then you. You need a life changing event like your dad had to wake you up to the fact is life is hard and sarah palin see what happening and doesn't like it.

You on the other hand want to make america weak and scared of standing up for what right. Meagan stop trying to be something your not be a democrat or green party. Stay away from conservative republicans and independent and libertarians. Just go away.

Also this is not aimed at your family just you your mom does good work in helping people and your dad and brothers have served their country well.

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