Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Presidential diplomacy and how sometime being rude get results.

   So we have President Trump now doing something you never seen anybody do in 62 years. He has gotten North and South Korea to talk They are going to officially end the Korean War later this year. Yet we hear about stuff that happened before he was president and that it should be a impeachable offenses. Yet none of what he did is a impeachable offense. You know I still don't trust him still because of his past. But he has done stuff that has helped this country. Lower taxes. Getting great men and women into leadership roles like Gen. Mattis and Richard Grenell and Nikki Haley. Opening up racial conversations with Kanye West. Helping out on trade equality by making other nations be more even in trade values. If he does something in the white house that is Illegal and not right for America I will lead the charge. Plus he hasn't killed anybody by proxy or gave money away to a terrorists sponsored nation. Don't forget left 4 men to die in Benghazi. Trump is what 2018 is right now.

Next we must ask ourselves this question. How much longer will we tolerate Liberals  telling us to give up our weapons when in certain part of our country it is a war zone. Chicago has more shooting in a weekend then most of the country has in a month. Yet David Hogg calls us old and sloped headed because we still believe in our rights to bear arms. Many Americans who are not white not rich and not in a concealed carry state need that reassure feeling of having a gun nearby in case someone tried to attack them. Yeah sometime Idiots shoot at people for the wrong reasons but most people in this country use their gun wisely.

Finally time for a segment I like to call Brad corner of the world where i don't talk Politic it's all about other things in the world.

First the greatest Royal rumble in Saudi Arabia was a barn burner. Yet it was with controversy no women matches and WWE were called out for showing a commercial with women in it. Still got a long way to go before Saudi Arabia is like Abu Dhabi and allow women to wrestle there. Still the ladies did get some good cash and a few days off so that a good thing.

Then let talk about movies Super Troopers 2 is out. The stoner comedy is back and looked as funny as ever I hope to give a review of it soon. Also some crappy Avenger movie came out but who cares.

Finally it's mother day coming up I hope you all are getting something good for your mom they are the backbone of this country. They are there when sometime the dad not there and they make something out of nothing. Also make a house a home. So remember your mother natural or not for they love you no matter how many mistakes you make.

Thank you for reading this latest blog. It been awhile I know but been working at Lowes as a full timer and sometime I too tired to write. But i still offer my opinion at twitter at bradessex or facebook. Just remember I'm Brad Essex and this is the Brad Essex Report.

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