Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Steve Bannon crash and burn!

Steve Bannon was officially kicked off of the Donald Trump advisory group last week. Then he was disavowed by the Mercer family and was cut off of funding from them and finally today he stepped down as chairman of Breitbart News and released from Sirius Radio .

Why this is good news? We must go to the past to talk about it. When Andrew Breitbart died, we didn't know who would take over. Then Dana Loesch left and then Larry O'Conner left. Two of my best friends who took me under their wings and fostered my writing after Andrew died left. Then I was not able to write for the site anymore. I was locked out of the site. I wonder why and I never did get an answer, but I did get a name. Steve Bannon. It was him that purged most of us who worked for Andrew Breitbart out. Which is disappointing cause writing for Andrew was a dream come true for me.

I always like telling stories and finding out the truth about things. When Andrew hired me, I was in a bad place mentally. I felt despite being known as a hard worker, I was at a dead end job and creatively I felt muted. Then Andrew hired me and I could vocalize my thoughts and help this country by showing how your rights were being abused. Then when Bannon showed up I was locked out of speaking my voice and showing that people with disability are a difference maker! I know it wasn't Larry Solov or Joel Pollack because they knew who I was. 

Steve Bannon thought because he ran Breitbart that he was a king maker. All he was really was a leech. He grabbed on to great leaders like Sarah Palin, Allen West, and Nikki Haley and try to be someone. It wasn't till he latched on to Trump that he could become a power player. He used Trump to set up meetings and lined up his pockets with money. Then thou he let it all slip away by first undermining Trump in Alabama by supporting Moore instead of Luther Strange.  Then allowed Michael Wolff to get access to the White House so he can write his speculative fiction Fire & Fury. Then finally calling Trump kids dumb. That was the straw that broke the camel back. Trump fired him. The Mercer family made him obsolete. Finally today Breitbart News and Sirius gave him his walking paper.

Steve Bannon we hardly knew ye. Now it just time to fade away!

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