Wednesday, October 11, 2017

When Weinstein had his Wiener moment

Poor Harvey Weinstein is having his come to Jesus moment. The New York Times wrote an expose on Weinstein. Many years of sexual abuses followed up by paying people to keep quiet about his pervy moments. Now he has been fired from his own company, but not before he wrote a last gasp letter saying don't fire me i'll go to therapy. Even thou and this is the level of stupid only reached by a few like Anthony Wiener. The allegations were not true. If their not true, then why need therapy? What next his toaster was loyal? The one part that pissed me off was the abuse of my friend Lauren Sivan by him look it up, but this man gives new meaning to the words jabba the hutt. He'll go low and disappear for a while then he'll come back saying the DR. cured him and will be received with open arms in Hollywood. The reason for the years his abuses were unchecked because he had power when Hollywood brings him back into the fold he'll laugh about it and go on with his life. Abuse is never a good thing. Abuse is power over someone's. Harvey need to never have that power over someone head ever again.

Now to the protests by NFL players. They have a right to kneel. It is in our constitution, they have a right to a peaceful protest and that means sitting or kneeling during the national anthem. Yet when will these protest ends and the actions begins? J.J Watts didn't just give money during Hurricane Harvey he is planning with people to use the funds he raised to better Houston in the aftermath of Harvey. These players who kneels where is their actions. Why are they not getting people to sign up to vote. Why they're not taking people to the polls or being a vote watcher? Why are they're not buying land that fixes old buildings and make better housing than the government for the people? Why they're not to talking to people about if you see something bad in the area to talk to the cops instead of not snitching and getting bad elements out of their neighborhood? 

Also their argument about the flag is stupid many fine men of color fought for that flag. From the buffalo soldiers and the 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry who fought in the Civil War. To today active military. That flag doesn't represent racism, it represent an opportunity and freedom to achieve your dream.

Finally it is my birthday and in 43 years I've learned to be more honest with myself and to you all. I like to thank you for reading this little blog and I hope the next year will be an even bigger year for this site and me.

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