Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My 2016 Convention speech.

My fellow Americans. I'm Brad Essex from Wichita, Kansas now living in Tulsa. Tonight I come to you to talk about our next four years. We as a nation need to focus on doing the right things to get back on track. Now some folks think that America needs to be great again. I am of the belief that America is always great.

There are a few problems to fix. First we need to get rid of Illegals. No matter how we do it it must be done. Then stricter border patrol with help from the national guards.  Finally a fence that will be so secure that illegals will not even think about trying to cross over. We as a nation do want legal immigrants they must do it the right way & we shall let you in. Also encourage companies to hire vets and wounded warriors instead of Illegals.

Then tap into a prime group that need to be used. I am talking about black people. Ever since the 60's we have not fully see the potentials blacks can do for this country. I know folks are saying that republicans don't care about blacks which is further from the truth. I'm tired of seeing blacks killing each other.  The don't snitch policy to police. Also the irrational fears of cops. We need to let blacks know we will be there for them. Yes we hate dirty cops too. Thou most cops are good. Also give black chances to succeed. There is more to dreams then being a b ball player or rapper. We must make them see that being a student don't mean you give up your skin color. It show people that blacks are folks that are creative in the past and can do the same things in the future we just got to give them a chance.

Our greatest enemies are not blacks or gays. One thing thou transgenders is a sickness and need to be stopped. Gay people are suffering because the illness of transgenderism.  Now the real enemy is radical Islamist extremists. They are hurting our people and our allies people. We must take the fight with them and lift the rules of engagement so our troops can fight to win not fight to survive. Our country must deport anyone who is a Islamic extremist suspected of crimes.  Also stop sharia laws from being used as laws in this country.

Plus we must not be the policemen of the world but we must help those who need help the most like the Persian of Iran. The Ukraine near Russia or any other places where people need our help. The top priority is always our homeland thou.

In closing I hope that we as a nation join together & be the change. We don't need a president or millionaire telling us to be better. We can better ourselves if we help each other out and be vocal about our views. Thank you all for listening god bless you all and god bless the united states of America.

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